Friday, June 28, 2013

Retirement Doesn’t Mean Forget the Mirror

Style is an expression of individualism mixed with charisma.  Fashion is something that comes after style. – John Fairchild
Staying at home with small children was my first taste of a retirement-type of life away from the business world. I saw no reason to style my hair, put on makeup or care about my clothing every day…in fact, I rationalized away many efforts on the part of friends to get me to do otherwise. In my mind, each day was just a small segment of time…The only people who see me are babies and toddlers and they don’t care…

Guest Blogger Pam Lutrell of
Over 50 Feeling 40.
The small segments of time became weeks, months, years….until I completely lost myself and my self- esteem.  Looking in the mirror was discouraging at best. I understand the temptations of time spent at home.  I understand how we can believe there is really no reason to put the effort into our appearance. But, even if the person you see the most every day is only in the mirror…that is reason enough. We must do it for ourselves, because it does affect our confidence and our joy.

Now, I am not speaking about sitting at your kitchen table day after day dressed in Prada and wearing your Jimmy Choos. I have seen amazing women of a certain age who have gorgeous silver hair; a glowing complexion from well- cared- for skin; little makeup; jeans, a black tee shirt, and bare feet, and they looked better than some on the fashion scene.

But, they still put effort into skincare, exercise, healthy eating, a flattering hairstyle and clothes that fit their bodies.  It takes effort no matter your personal style. Here are some thoughts to keep in mind:

1.     Spend time each morning to look your best…even if your day only includes your home.

2.     Spend time each morning to look your best for running errands.  You will enjoy those errands more, meet new people, receive great service, and find yourself SMILING throughout the day.

3.     Spend time each morning to look your best to combat depression. We can achieve just about anything when we like ourselves inside and out.

4.     Spend time each morning to look your best for YOU. You are your best friend.  Spending time away from the career world becomes easier if you like the person you spend the majority of your time with.

5.     Spend time each morning to look your best so you face anything with CONFIDENCE and JOY.  You may be volunteering your time…vacationing…playing tennis…hosting an event. Anything goes better and is more enjoyable when we are confident.   

There is a huge temptation to give in and think retirement means we no longer have to care or try. Relax…who cares…no one will see you… Au contraire, ladies. Retirement can also mean empowerment if we continue to put our best foot forward and treat NUMBER 1 with respect and care.

Guest Blogger: Pam Lutrell, from Over 50 Feeling 40. Pam is a lifestyle/fashion blogger who writes about fashion for women over 50. (from Generation Fabulous)

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