Tuesday, July 16, 2013

3 Great Ways to Record a Celebration

Let's get straight the point. I know a few cool things that you may not know. For example, there are some wonderful ways to record celebrations with your cell phone that do not take a lot of expertise. No big camera is needed.  Here are three ways that I use to capture all the fun.
  • There is a new app on you iPhone called Takes. I allows you to use your iPhone camera to record a series of photos/video to create a montage of your day. You open the app and your camera automatically is recording what it sees but does not keep anything until you snap the photo. You camera saved the photo but Takes saves a video a little before the photo and a little afterwards. It has to be the coolest thing I have ever seen. It is like magic.  Here is the one I took on a day spent with my grandchildren.
  • I also have an app on my iphone called Camera SX. It takes a picture for you and you can record all the back ground noise that goes with the photo.  Lets say you are at your grandchilds school just watching in the classroom.  You can take a picture of your grandchild and then record some of the background sound. I am working on getting this to work so I can download it into iPhoto on my computer. 

  • I never get tired of my iPhone. I took the video below on my iPhone. When I upload the pictures to Blogger, they have a cell phone choice. When you open that, it not only shows all the photos you have taken with your cell phone, it also shows if they are a video. This very short clip below is funny but we love it anyway. Our baby Shay is one of a kind.

    I just thought you would want to know. 

    What to you know that you would like to share?


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