Monday, August 12, 2013

Buy a House with Your IRA? Secrets No One Told You About

One of the most important aspects of enjoying your retirement is being able to pay for it. A majority of American's retirement savings are in the forms of 401(k)s and IRAs. Unfortunately many of these retirement accounts lost money in the past 5 years. One of the reasons for that is because typically IRAs are comprised of a small blend of stocks, bonds and mutual funds that are chosen by brokers.

What most people don't know, is that you can use the funds in your IRA to buy almost anything you want, and the income you earn from these investments is tax-free or tax differed. The big secret here,is that these types of IRAs outperform typical IRAs and 401(k)s and have lower yearly fees.

To get started with this type of investment strategy you simply need to convert your IRA or 401(k) into a Self Directed IRA. Then you can take the funds from your Self Directed IRA and literally write a check to buy investments.

Here are some of the things people are investing in using their IRA funds:
  1. Gold and Precious Medals – This is one of the easiest ways to see at 30% annual return in your IRA. Sometimes you can even hold the gold or silver in your own home and have it still be part of your IRA assets.
  2. Local Businesses – We recently met a restaurant owner who said that one of his investors was his sister who used money in her IRA to start the restaurant. Every month the profits form the business go straight into her IRA
  3. Rental Property or Vacation Homes – Property prices are set to rebound and you can easily buy inexpensive properties where the rent gives you income to your IRA. With a combination of rental income and the rise in home prices, you could easily see a 10-25% return on your investment
  4. Foreign Currency and Property – Its very easy to buy a small vineyard in Italy and a bank account full of Euros using your Self Directed IRA. You can have your dream home and have it pay you income!
There's a good chance you didn't know this was possible. That's because most bankers and financial advisers don't want you to know about it. They make money every time to buy or sell a stock that they recommend, and if the stock goes up they often take a fee as part of the profits! Bankers don't make money when you make a loan to a small business or a college student, or buy a house on the beach.

If you're at all interested in learning about how to do more with your IRA and turbo charge your retirement, or are just curious about what sorts of things you can use your IRA money for, read the FREE guide on Self Directed IRAs found at

I strongly suggest spending the next 10 minutes seeing what your options are.

I am an affiliate for, not because I am an expert on finances because I know a lot of you are trying to make smart decision about IRAs and Roth IRAs. I think the more we know the better we are at making those smart choices.

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