Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Ideas for Christmas shopping for older people coming soon!

Our dear friends are having their 25th Wedding Anniversary celebration today...so we are having a party!  I have put on my new J.Jill top with a skirt from Marshalls. My shoes are 7 years old and I am not sure if my makeup is on straight but I am going to a party.
I have this j.jill top in black!  Perfect for my party!
I wish I had this scarf to wear with it...
LibbySue-Indian Inspired Woven Stripe in Black and Grays

Which reminds me...are you starting your Christmas shopping yet?  I have a few ideas so I will post them for you tomorrow or the next day.  Buying for old people can sometimes be a problem but if you keep in mind that no matter how old you get, beautiful for women and practical for men will always work.

Have a wonderful day.


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