Friday, November 22, 2013

Thanksgiving Colors: Where do you feel at home?

At one time I owned a blog called Always at Home. At the time my husband and I were searching for our place in a world without a job.  We were retired and, like so many other newly retired people, we felt a need to search the world for something different, more exciting and......? I began writing the blog because, no matter where we went or what we saw, I felt very at home. I could imagine a house or an apartment with us living contentedly. I was Always at Home.

Then someone asked me why my husband and I didn't move to Spain and live. We loved the country, culture and pace of life there. Something inside my heart gave me the answer I had been seeking for several years. See, it didn't really matter where we lived; we would simply set about recreating the life we loved right where we were. I would find the friends and colors I loved...the ones I have here in the USA. 
Fences of Crosses, Chimayo Sanctuario, New Mexico
My Oregon home after sunset!
We have settled down...we are no longer retired teenagers. We have matured and mellowed. Here are some images of my favorite colors.  No matter where I go, I will seek them out. I love fall, decorate my house year around in fall colors and even dress in the glorious golds, blacks, reds and yellows. 

Here are a few pictures I took this fall as we traveled. I hope you like them. 
Golden Dawn over the Columbia River, Oregon
Oregon Willamette Valley back road overlooking the fields below.
Santa Fe of the last in bloom. 
Golden leaves on the ground near Georgia O'keefe's Ghost Ranch
Happy Thanksgiving!

Presidio Area restaurant, Tucson, AZ
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1 comment:

  1. I love the fall colors. I also love New Mexico and Santuary at Chimayo. My husband and I love Tucson and would have love to retire there but have decided to stay close to his doctors here in San Diego. Tucson will always be our dream retirement spot. Enjoy


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