Saturday, April 12, 2014

Grandchildren: Little pitchers have big ears!

Prov. Children like to listen to adult conversations and
can understand a lot of what they hear. Remember, "Little pitchers have big ears."
(Used to warn another adult not to talk about
something because there is a child present.)
Shay is 2 today. Happy birthday Baby Granddaughter Shay! She doesn't really talk a lot yet but she is listening and watching. Two big brothers do all her talking so everything is good. Who know what her first big sentence will be.

I am heading home in a few days and we will be spending some time with her. I hope that her first big sentence is not something I have said because it probably would not be good. She is the 9th grandchild I have been around from the time they were born. Everyone of them picked up something from me that was less than perfect. 

I am often reminded by my children that "little pitchers have big ears". What about you? How is that grandparenting going?

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  1. I am spending this week with my 2 year old grandson and I dread it when I have to go home tomorrow. I didn't think I could love anyone more than my children but the grandkids--- they just steal your heart all over again.

    Do you have a picture of all 9 of yours?

    Carol @ Battered Hope

  2. In our family, one little pitcher has big eyes, too! She is deaf. Although she now has cochlear implants and much therapy has allowed her to both "hear" and speak, she happens to be someone who can read lips quite well! Not all deaf people do read lips, but she is one who does, with facility. It's no good trying to whisper a comment to someone from across the room. She knows what you're saying! Now that she's mainstreamed in a regular classroom, my daughter has to warn all her teachers not to whisper or mouth any comments to another teacher that shouldn't be known by a student. My granddaughter has come home and repeated some rather personal details about teachers' married and dating lives!

    1. This is absolutely amazing! Children do keep us on our toes.


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