Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Google Man Rode in on a Beautiful White Horse!

English: Google Logo officially released on Ma...
English: Google Logo officially released on May 2010 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I am like most bloggers...I have this love/hate relationship with Google. I do know that without them I would be nothing...not saying I am something now...but still they do help me think I am something.

I have been a blog writer for many years and have owned 4 different domains at different times. I suppose that is all good on me but don't ask me how I did it, where I bought them or even how to pay for them. My attitude from the beginning of blogging has been the same as the one I brought to my Apple computer when the very first one ever produced sat on my kitchen counter and Steve Jobs held Apple user group meetings here in Portland Oregon. I just point and click...ask me to join and I was interested. I am not afraid of anything. There you have it.

So getting back to the domains and how to pay for them I need to tell you about the guy and his beautiful white horse. I know his name but I won't put it here because I don't want to embarrass him with too much praise. OK...I give...his name is Ivaylo.

I owned a blog called The Left Side of  My Brain. I wrote on it when Sarah Palin ran for vice-president alongside that guy from Arizona...his name escapes me. She drove me nuts enough to prompt me to buy a domain just so I could rant a little with hardly anyone noticing. Then we moved on and I abandoned the blog. Once a year bills would come for the domain and I could never figure out how to turn off the automatic payment. Finally, this last week I found a place where I could ask Google the question and it would be sent to someone that knew the answer. I was asked to leave my phone number.

Imagine my surprise when the phone rang a couple of days later and a real, live talking Google guy said my name and offered to help me! Oh my goodness and here I thought that there were no real people at Google. I pictured this warehouse full of servers where a small man wearing glasses made sure that the backup generator came on when the electricity went off. I thought it was probably located in Christmas Valley, Oregon. Boy was I wrong. I could just see the man's beautiful white horse.

So the Google Guru and I spent the morning talking on the phone. We used an app that allowed him to see my screen called Join Me.  I was guided through deleting that old blog, paying for a lapsed blog. The big problem occurred in both cases because I was unable to access my Google Administrator account.  I took notes so I may not have to go through this process again in a year or so. No guarantees though.

Today I love Google and Google guy, who ever you really are. Thank you again. My life is very, very good! Oh and by the way, the Google guy said I was very tech savy for a woman my age. I think that was a compliment!


Note: My new/old blog address is It Crossed My Mind Blog. I plan on writing stories there.


  1. Oh yes, the love/hate relationship with technology of all we midlife bloggers!

    1. Nora,

      Technology has been a part of my life for 30 years. The love/hate relationship is because it grow
      s and changes faster than I can brush my teeth!

      When I was an educator in a kindergarten classroom I would tell the parents how important it was to teach children how to learn because teaching them facts and figures would be useless in the future. The future is now.

      By the time I get ready to renew the blog domain next year you can bet that the process will have changed! Doggone it anyway.

      But as a 72 year old woman, I am very fortunate in that I am still able to learn and grow intellectually. That is a very good thing I think.


  2. Me thinks you're ahead of lots of guys who are half your age! (And you're ahead of me, who's 92% of your age.)

    1. I have always felt like someone was chasing me. Was that you?


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