Sunday, October 5, 2014

Dear Delta Airlines: Why Do You Board First Class First?

We have decided we like flying Delta. They are early to their destinations, the planes are beautiful and it all works for me.

But I have a question. Why do you board First Class passengers first. Where is the advantage for the passenger in that? Even if you are in row 10-18 where is the advantage to boarding before those further back? Who wants to sit on an airplane any longer than they actually have to? Why don't they give 1st class and boarding area 2 the option of staying in the bar or restaurant for 20 minutes longer? Why?

It seems to me that they should load group 4 first, let them fritter around and get organized forever. Who cares. We don't have to walk by them and they are out of the way. Then 3, then 2, and then last but not least, First Class.

Does that make sense to you?  I'm just saying!



  1. As an MVP on Alaska, I'm weak enough to feel special when I'm called to board early. I get my pick of the overhead spaces.

    On the other hand, I can stay behind, or run late, or get an espresso and board last if I want.

    1. Well, we alway do have a choice I suppose. Until the airlines get a handle on bin hogs that will board as early as they can and take up so much space that no one can put anything else on, boarding by zone will be necessary.

  2. I think they do it both as a status thing and because people dump their luggage in the bins at the front even if they sit in the back. I prefer SW's approach but their whole business model is different.

    1. Southwest would be my choice by far. If you are seated in the rear and are asked to put your allowed luggage in the bin above your seat it seems to me that we would not be stumbling all over each other. I suppose they have tried it both ways and have found that people would rather board early even though the aisles are clogged and people are no well organized.

  3. They may 'board' first class first, but you certainly don't have to board then. If you straggle up after the last boarding they won't have given away your seats. When we flew to Hawaii last year I did board first in First Class and enjoyed the extra time to get settled before I had to be completely seated and belted in. Putting items in my cubby, getting used to the controls for the recliner and light and such was much easier since I could move around.

    1. You make me want to travel 1st Class but I just don't see that EVER happening!

  4. My father would wait to be the last person to board no matter what class he was in. Didn't like the hassle.
    Me I like boarding early if I'm in first or business class--I'm seated, comfortable and can plane people watch
    Also they'll usually offer you a drink so you watch while imbibing!

    1. Oh my gosh...really Pia? A drink? I have never ridden first class or even business class. However, I have sat very close and often tell stewardess that there is really not any point in closing the curtain...I know what goes on up there anyway. Evidently I was wrong!

  5. I agree! If I was flying first class, I would rather have more time to lounge around the airport than to sit on the plane and watch another 100 people board it.

  6. I often wondered that myself. I figured I would rather wait in a lovely lounge and board on last call without rushing that is. Now, however, since I am NOT even close to First Class seating, I rush to be at the front of the line for the call just so I can squeeze my carry on in the bin above me rather than ten rows in another direction! Somehow, I don't think First Class flyers have to worry about that. At least it is an improvement over the Chinese flights where seats were not even assigned! Their First Class had BIG smiles! :)

  7. Well iPhone Vietnamese airlines and I don't think I've ever flown a Chinese airline. I can imagine that first class are happy campers when they have assigned seats. But why would they board first? I'm still wondering that.


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