Friday, November 21, 2014

Twitter: Getting No Place with Hashtags

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I really do want to be cool and hip and trendy and all that. Really I do. But I simply do not understand Twitter at all. In fact, when I started with the media, all the buzz was about followers. Then something changed and I just lost interest. But now I am see more information on hashtags (#). It all seemed much more interesting.

I think the trick is to find a hashtag that will help me be seen by a group of like minded bloggers. The group needs to be not too big and not too small. I want my tag to be inclusive but not too inclusive. You can see it might be a little tricky. The PAULA REED NANCARROW blog had a wonderful suggestion about using "meme" hastags. All of her hashtags and Twitter follow links save one, had the word "blog" in them. The one that was the simplest was #ArchiveDay used only on Saturdays. That worked for me. That is what I am online...a blogger. I think you should hop over to her blog to see what hashtags she suggests how she suggests you use them.

I can suggest #SundayScribblings, #3WordWednesday and #FridayFlash. You may know of other "meme" hashtags that can help you gain more traffic.

But like everything thing in this world, participating in Twitter as a tweeps with my twits means I must follow written and unwritten rules.  Thank you Paula Reed Nancarrow. You have started me thinking that there may be hope for me. I may become an authentic tweep after all. I am feeling hopeful.


Note Mashable and WikiHow have some wonderful information too.


  1. I love Twitter. From a blogging perspective, Twitter is one of the top drivers of traffic to my site. I think of it as a micro-blog. I can subscribe to feeds I find interesting and they can subscribe to mine.

    1. I am learning. The micro blog idea is not new but it has always appealed to me. When we get rid of all of the unnecessary words the reading is much easier.

  2. I am a dumb bird when it comes to twitter but I know this is important path to getting the work out. Thanks for the link to Paula Reed Nancarrow,


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