Wednesday, January 7, 2015

10 Favorite Netflix or Amazon Shows

Back in 2013 I wrote a blog post that posed the question "Is Cable TV Obsolete?" Now we see that that possibility may become a reality. So I have another question. When our cable and possible network TV goes under, where will all the movies and shows we watch now come from? I am beginning to think that, like nature, TV viewers do not like a vacuum and streaming TV companies like Netflix will rush in to fix that problem. Or it could be that cable companies will morph into a leaner and more functional business using computer streaming too. If not, will we be left with nothing? Well, maybe not...what about TV from the rest of the world?

I love Amazon Prime and Netflix more that the average person. Google Play is also available but I haven't accessed that yet . Those computer streaming instant video options have opened a world to me that I had not seen before. I can watch BBC and foreign films that are wonderful. Who knew that the rest of the world might be far more talented and creative that the film industry in the United States. The quality of most of things I watch is outstanding. The very fact that the BBC series Vera sells for almost $8.00 an episode on Amazon and $4.99 on Google Play says a lot for it's popularity. Doc Martin can be had for $1.99 but PBS is showing it too.

I suppose those of us that live in the United States only have one hope and that is that the foreign TV industry will keep cranking good shows out.

My 10 favorites on NetFlix or Amazon Prime:
  1. Wallander (BBC and foreign film)
  2. Vera (if still available)
  3. Doc Martin
  4. Whitechapel
  5. Spiral (French)
  6. Endeavor
  7. Sherlock (BBC)
  8. Call the Midwife
  9. Inspector Lewis
  10. Foyles War
I also loved the movie The Untouchables, a French comedy about a paraplegic and his ex-con caregiver. Any movie that makes me laugh needs to be recommended. There is not enough laughter these day.

I need some good (smart) viewing and would love for you to share what you are watching.



  1. I'm embarrassed to say I haven't heard of these shows but now you've inspired me to check them out. I did see athe Untiuchables and loved it.

    1. I would watch it again with a friend. Both characters were perfect!

  2. Are there commercials with the shows on Netflix and Amazon Prime? I don't want to pay for a show and then have to listen to commercials

    1. No there are no commercials at all...that is what is so wonderful for the viewers. However, it may not be so good for the TV industry.

  3. I would add prime suspect. Helen mirren is marvelous.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I loved Prime Suspect too but could not make myself watch the last couple of shows. I could see where it was headed. She was so powerful but in the end I think very alone.

  4. On Netflix check out - Marco Polo and Lillyhammer, both great series.

    1. We tried Marco Polo. I am not sure I have the stomach for it but my husband loved it a lot. I have not watch Lillyhammer so I will try it.

  5. I hope that internet viewing will not cause cable tv to go under until the issue of internet accessibility is solved. There are still areas in North America where accessibility is not guaranteed or it is available at considerable cost.

    1. I hope that it doesn't happen either. Sometimes it seems as though we are moving backwards with technology doesn't it?

  6. Midsommer Murders and Last Tango in Halifax. The daughter in Last Tango is also on a series called Happy Valley. All three are on Netflix.

    1. Yes, I loved both of those. I have started watching Happy Valley. Thank you for reminding me to watch another episode.

  7. I am watching West Wing again. It is some of the most incredible writing on TV. It has the added bonus of reminding why being the citizen of the US is a blessing I need to live up to.

  8. I loved that show. It spoiled me because it was so interesting and reality based.

  9. I love Doc Martin, Wallander, Vera, and Call the Mid Wife. For me the value in watching via a streaming service is that I can understand a character at a much deeper level. I really don't miss the days where you sat in front of the TV from 7 until 9 and waited each week to see a favorite show.

  10. I get most of these from the library.
    LOVE Foyles War.
    Also enjoy Heartbeat,Cranford,
    Monarch of the Glen, Inspector Lynley.


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