Friday, January 2, 2015

How To Completely Change...Nothing

I learned to watermark my photography in 2014...what now?
WORD FOR 2015: 
  1. the action of anticipating something; expectation or prediction.
    "her eyes sparkled with anticipation"

I are making New Years Resolutions like mad! Good for you. I applaud your determination and resolve.

Pardon me if I don't join the resolution movement for 2015! I like my life so much that I am not going to mess with anything. I'm not broken so I am not going to fix me!

Still I am very excited about the New Year because I know all the possibilities that lay before me. New books, travel, the wonders of watching my family grow and the adventure of learning. I love that while I don't plan to change and am very satisfies with everything, life just happens to me. I could only wish the same for you.

My word for 2015: Anticipation!

What will we do or see or learn or influence? I am smiling now and you should be too.



  1. Wonderful word, and I agree with you! I love my life, too, and always have something to look forward to!

    1. I think life is very good! I think that makes me a lucky person.


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