Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Excuse Me...Have I Already Told You This?

Even the cactus sprouts a new idea once in a while!
I wrote this beautiful long post the other day and almost published it when I realized I had said it all before. Do you do that? Blogging is an ongoing sharing of personal experiences, opinions and knowledge acquired. At least it is for me. I am beginning to wonder if I have drawn all the water from that well. Am I out of things to say?

I have vowed to stop talking about retirement because I didn't feel like talking about it any more. The same applied to aging. Now I have worn out all my insightful wisdom about travel, open mindedness and even all things beautiful.

The fact may be that my creative nature will have to look for new things to write about. Do you have any ideas? Let me know!



  1. It's called burnout Barb and all us bloggers get it once in a while. I had six other blogs before I integrated them all to five years ago. I still have to report on my knowledge and travels in U.S. history. I have that is dedicated to creativity.

    You are a very creative person so I'm sure you will come up with something. You just need to do a soul search on what still interests you and where do you have wisdom that others might benefit from?

    Teddy Roosevelt, who is becoming one of my primary heroes, was an avid journal keeper. He kept a daily journal from age seven to the end of his life. He said he did that because he "must" write. I think the same thing addicts us bloggers. We must write and we do that, at least to one degree or another, through our blogs. I don't write primarily for the viewer counts, but they are helpful, I write because I must; it is a big part of what I am.

    Don't give up here, you have a gift of sharing your experiences with others.

    1. Oh RJ I do so love your spirit. Thank you. Yes, I know I won't quit but on the other hand I don't want to be a person that tells the same stories over and over. Since I wrote this piece I have had a dozen idea that I wanted to share. The problem is I am busy doing "construction" with my husband on an old Arizona room that is attached to our park model. The days are not long enough.

  2. I heartily agree with RJ. Barb, your creativity and insight into the human experience is a refreshing "breeze" that I enjoy as I read each of your blog posts. Please continue to write about what you are reflecting upon at the, relationships, family, current events...your talent is too large to not share with your avid readers!

    1. Norah,is that you? I would stop and often feel as though I want too but like eating I simply must write. So I will just keep on talking until the words dry up totally or I dry up totally, whichever comes first.

    2. No, this is not Norah...just an avid reader of your blog. I'm very pleased you will continue to write and share your intellect with your readers.

  3. This may be a selfish perspective, but I would encourage you to persevere with your blog. I'm relatively new to this retirement phase of life and I enjoy your refreshing perspective on the human experience. This reminds me of my work as a public health nurse when I was complaining about giving the same counsel to yet another new mom. A colleague reminded me that even though I had been doing this for a long time, it was a new experience for the young mom. I've never forgotten those words from my colleague. So though it may seem old to you, it's new to us fledgling retirees. I'm of the opinion that as long as there's life, there's a story to tell.

    1. Mona, thank you for the encouragement. Don't forget to revisit older posts. There is a lot of information hidden back in the archives.

  4. I am in agreement with everyone here. I am new to Arizona, new to retirement, new to juggling kids/grandkids/new friends, splitting time between, new, new. I have gleaned a bit of wisdom from every post I have read and know I will as you continue with your reflections on the day to day. Even today I learned what my cactus might look like when it blooms (new to cactus). When everything seems new, it's nice to see someone who has come thru it and thrived. I appreciate all the hard work you put into this.

  5. Agree ... as we used to say, Keep on Truckin'!

  6. Oh, how I understand the feeling. But, keep going! I enjoy reading your blog and sharing your world just a bit.

    1. It is good to know that others have that same feeling. Since this is not a job, I don't feel like writing is a requirement. However, my blog is a refuge that I seek because I gives me pleasure.

  7. I can't tell you how many times I have thought that, in the past almost 11 years, I have nothing to say. Meanwhile I moved from a coop apartment in Manhattan to a house in South Carolina, found new ways of making friends, and established a whole new life.
    The truth was I focused on disability when I never had felt disabled but sure was feeling it as I wrote about it so much---and have a batch of unanswered emails as I'm no longer willing to stop whatever I was doing to "help" others.
    You have valid reasons for not wanting to write about retirement and I suspect that feeling you should write about certain things makes you think too critically about what you want to write about.
    I would take a blogging break and come back refreshed or if you still can't think about things to write about focus on a cactus in front of your house. Write all you can about it. I promise you that will clear your mind and help you think of new things to write about.
    I do that with home furnishings. Nobody wants to read about my deco style swivel chairs but I sure love writing about then. Then....

    1. Pia, I treasure your words of wisdom. I do love my cactus...and you are doesn't matter if anyone wants to read about them if I love to write about them. A cactus does have many stories to tell.



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