Friday, April 10, 2015

From Florence to Dubai...without a cane!

Am I celebrating? Well maybe just a little...walking around Florence WITH a cane is no fun at all so I decided to ditch the baby and cowgirl up. The thing you should be impressed with is that I did not beg for a taxi.

The truth of the matter is we have never been a family that tried to do it all in one day, see every museum or learn everything that is written under every exhibit. Travel is all about discovery for us. The most wonderful things happen when you are not expecting it.

My son and daughter-in-law led the parade of Torris's on a path with the goal always just a five minute walk away...I know because I asked a lot! We walked across the Arno bridge with the beautiful jewelry shops to a restaurant set in a small plaza. We walked back stopping for gelato next to the bridge. The walk back to our apartment led us through the Piazza Duomo (cathedral named in honor of Santa Maria del Fiorestreets we did not know,lost just a little and eventually to the Mercato Centrale. Our apartment looked out onto the outdoor market and building. Over 12,000 steps I am told...NO TAXIS INVOLVED. Never let it be said I am not durable. That is a long way to limp.

Florence's cathedral stands tall over the city with its magnificent Renaissance dome designed by Filippo Brunelleschi. The cathedral named in honor of Santa Maria del Fiore is a vast Gothic structure built on the site of the 7th century church of Santa Reparata, the remains of which can be seen in the crypt.
Ponte Vecchio, Florence 

The Rhine, Frankfurt

We flew to Frankfurt, Germany on Sunday and spent the night in a hotel room a few blocks from the Rhine. The beautiful city and river park made us homesick for Portland. We all remarked on the almost spooky response.
Son's home in Dubai

We are in Dubai today getting ready to travel to a beach. More pictures tomorrow. 


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