Friday, November 20, 2015

Small Space Living "As Seen On TV"

Ok, I admit it...I love HGTV. I watch at least one show almost every morning before I even get out of bed. Give me my TV and a cup of coffee and I am a happy woman.

The episodes featuring small space living are all the rage right now. In Oregon builders are taking up the challenge and a lot of houses are appearing in the Portland area. My question here is "How small is too small?"
What 100 square feet looks like.
See, I think that 100 square feet is ridiculously small. That is a 10x10 room and I think that a bedroom needs to be bigger than that. But believe it or not some people are content to live in a place like that. Their needs are very little and they must feel safe with the walls very near.

We live in a space that is 12 ft wide and approximately 35 feet long with an add on that is about 8 ft wide and 18 feet long. I really believe that this is the minimum that I am willing to live in for an extended period of time. The add on was just put on last year and I absolutely love it.

Here is what ours looks like:
This bedroom and the Arizona room (below) are now one big room.

Our bedroom is very comfortable. We also have a TV in this room.

The bathroom is small, clean and perfect for us.

Kitchen backsplash was updated last year. We are replacing our
dishwasher that sits near the sink and stove.

This niche over the dining table had glass doors. We
removed them and painted the interior. The wall have all been repainted too.

My husband built the front porch where we dine most days. 
We are very lucky that we have three outdoor spaces.
This is at the side and we have another in the back.
The exterior of our park model (below) is not good. We
will replace windows this year. I want it to look
like this one (above) featured on HGTV

This small space even has room for my computer and a
printer. The stool serves as extra seating when we have guests.
 Have a wonderful day. If you have a question just put it in the comments section. I will help you if I can. See Snowbird Questions: Why Would You Ever Do That? for other questions and links to previous posts.



  1. I look at your small space and long for mine! We fly to Tucson a week from Friday. It is quite cold here in Seattle.

    1. I like to stay in portland and have a little cold weather. It seems the value of all this warm weather increases a lot. The air is cool but the sun is so intense.


Leave your thoughts...I am interested.

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