Monday, December 21, 2015

Watching, Waiting and All That Means

We drop into bed exhausted every night. The days fly by because they only get to stay over night for 4 sleeps. The first sleep was after a 37 hour plane ride from Dubai. Safely next to our bed they slept like the babies they are.

We have ridden the bicycle, made a duct tape purse, decorated cookies, played pickleball, taken a walk, eaten out a Wild Wings where I embarrassed them cheering for Green Bay and watched two wonderful movies on Netflix. Plus a lot more. They had a wonderful time but of course they were ready to go when their mom and dad came.

I couldn't explain to you if you have never been around children what it feels like to love them so completely. Even after a scolding they will snuggle close. But best of all everyday begins with the watching. I can see them growing right before my eyes.

The Tanque Verde Resort here in Tucson has hundreds of horses that they use on trail rides and for lessons. We visited yesterday just so the girls could get their "horse fix". They petted horses and named the ones that caught their fancy. And then they climbed a tree and just sat and watched. It was the best they told me. Soon we headed out to eat and then come home to another movie. 

Yes, waiting, watching and learning from children is one of the great joys in my life. I am a happy woman.
Maddie took this picture from her perch in the tree.
Beautiful children at peace and in their element.
When I told them that climbing the tree
was probably against the rule,
they just smiled and relaxed a bit more.
You could tell they were so happy
in that moment.
They taught me that what we have is enough and we should be happy wherever we are perched. What did you learn today? And where did you learn it?

Have a wonderful day. I hope your Holiday Season is shaping up to be as wonderful as mine.



  1. I was happy to have a loving husband and a warm home to come over to. Not at the grandma stage yet. Maybe one day!

    1. If that is what you want then I hope you are blessed with that gift. It is all about sharing, giving comfort and compromise. We are not the parent and that is something we all need to remember.

  2. I'm going to feel that the day after Christmas when I get to see my two grandsons. Can't wait.

  3. What did I learn today and where did I learn it? In the car with my 4 grandchildren, I learned that it takes 30 minutes to sing 100 bottles of milk on the wall, all the way down to no bottles of milk on the wall! That's what they started singing, I joined in, and grinning ear to ear we all sang it and pretty loud too! Their ages are 10, 9, 7 and 5. (cute to me that they sing the song with milk, not beer). That 30 minutes of pure joy will be etched in my memory forever.

    1. Absolutely perfect. We sang "Jingle bell, batman smells, Robin laid an egg...." They know ALL the verses. :)

  4. Love this: "They taught me that what we have is enough and we should be happy wherever we are perched." This is one of our most important lessons regardless of whether we have children or grandchildren...

    1. Such a simple thing yet one of life's most important messages. Merry Christmas to you.

  5. Gma Barbara enjoys everyone of our 12 grandchildren like they are the only one we have and they love her too. She is like one of the kids when they get together. They enjoy each other so much.


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