Tuesday, January 26, 2016

700,000 Views...but whose counting?

Just because pictures make
the post more interesting. Local hangout
in Tucson AZ. Saguaro Junction Bar and Grill
I do check my stats. I went over 700,000 last week. But I don't believe that 700,000 have stopped to read this blog. It is just simply not possible is it?

On Facebook I saw a post that said that we should not brag about our views. I can't remember why but the person that said it seemed to know what she was talking about. That is why I would never mention it anywhere else than right here. I can do that here because I own this space.

The question would be "WHO is counting?" There are search engines that do something if the material here is interesting. People look for something and by magic a word I use or even a subject falls into that category and a blip about the blog appears. The blog post How to Be a Snow Bird...answers and questions is one that draws a crowd so a lot of my traffic is related to that one post. How those stat counters work is a total mystery to me.

It really is beside the point...the number is big and I will take it. Not that I'm counting.

Do you track your numbers and popular posts?



  1. Sometimes I check them but they usually confuse me so there's no value for me.

    1. Jennifer,

      I think that if they drop markedly, and they day, I know that I need to give more attention to all of you. Thank you for the comment.

  2. I wish I didn't check them as often as I do. When I publish a new post I have a tendency to check it several times a day.

    1. One thing I have learned is to block my own visits. Sometimes I feel insecure about what I have written and will go back to check several time in a few days. Honestly, I don't need to count myself.

  3. Hi Barbara - 700,000 views -- that is incredible! I'm with Penny, I check my stats often. I am just starting out so any number (big or small) is always appreciated.

    1. Donna, your blog is very, very good. You will get lots of views before long. I like that you put the address for your blog in your comment. That actually does help. Always comment using your URL and name when that is an option. Even a pseudonym is acceptable if you are uncomfortable revealing who you are. Decide on something and stick with it.

      Good luck.

  4. Different sites show different pageview totals. Trying to decipher Google analytics is like trying to learn Latin.

    1. Oh my goodness, isn't that true. I go with the simplest I can find. The numbers are all relative I suppose.

  5. Oh, you bet I check. It does help me to know what people have found helpful. Also, if you get a big spike in views you can learn from that. I used to get about 100 page views or so a day on my blog at best. Occasionally more, but often less. And, that was fine. But then awhile ago it spiked up and over a period of a week or so it really spiked (the high was over 19,000 in a day!). So that was a big deal for me. But, I knew about it mostly because I do check Google Analytics. So I looked at what posts caused the spike and that gave me information as to what my readers were interested in (the underlying reason for the spike was that I posted about something a lot of people were interested in at the time AND I showed up really high in Google searches for that topic).

    1. Good for you. That is very exciting. Being smart about numbers is a good. Congratulations.

  6. Nah, not really. I only look when I'm applying for a campaign and they need my numbers. But good for you! That's a fabulous amount right there!

    1. Less worry is always good. Whatever you are doing must be right!

  7. That's impressive -- 700k views! Since you started? So when did you start blogging? Sure, I look at the numbers to try to judge which topics are more popular, which less, but it seems like a lot of the numbers are random.

    1. No not since I started. I have had several over blogs and started back in 2006. I have no idea what the total is. It is fun to talk about though isn't it?

  8. Congrats! All my best to you and your blog.


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