Sunday, April 24, 2016

Leaping Off the Cliff

Have you ever read an article in the newspaper or online and felt the need to write about it? The headline just makes you want to say something that you really shouldn't say and yet there is a rant waiting to be posted. Have you done that?

I do it more often than I care to admit. In fact, I did that thing this very morning. THEN I went back, reread the newspaper article and deleted what I had written. I had ranted without really thinking it through.

I have always known that the less I know the stronger my opinion will be. Information leads to uncertainty and doubt...which is a good thing. I should not to leap off the cliff before I learn how far the fall with be.

What do you think?



  1. I think we would all be better off if we followed your example.

  2. Harry Truman was famous for writing letters of complaint, putting them in an envelope, and then placing it in a drawer till the next day. When he re-read it (or someone wise on his staff would beat him to it), it usually got tossed in the garbage. Similar to your own deed. Very smart.

    1. It turns out that Harry Truman was a very wise man in so many ways. I have visited his museum in Independence Mo. I was very surprised at the simplicity of such a place. The importance of his place in history would lead one to believe that he should have deserved more.

      Thank you for your comment Marty.

  3. I just unjoined a local fb group because one contributor was such a bully. Even though I knew not to engage, I could not stop myself! Despite the useful community information it provided, I had to admit it wasn't good for my mental health.

    1. Never be a victim even in a group like the one you talk about. Toxic people can ruin a beautiful day and each day is too important to waste. Be well.


Leave your thoughts...I am interested.

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