Thursday, May 26, 2016

Politics: Supporter or Evangelist

Hillary Clinton at the 2004 March for Women's ...
Hillary Clinton at the 2004 March for Women's Lives. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I received a "Support Hillary" bumper sticker this morning. I don't really think I have ever had that happen politician has ever noticed me at husband yes but me no. I was surprised.

But...what surprised me the most was my unwillingness to wear my heart on my sleeve. When I my husband told me to put it on the car I didn't want to do that so I didn't. What was that all about?

I am a Democrat and very liberal in some ways. I do think that Clinton is very smart and of course she is a woman and there is always that. So why don't I feel completely certain that she is a good choice or a bad choice.

I do support her candidacy and watch the primaries. I did vote for her. It could be that I have seen too much in my life and honestly know what could go very wrong.

It turns out that I am not the evangelist for the woman. In the end I simply will vote for the best of the two people that are running.

There you have it!


PS: I cannot even bring myself to slam Trump even though I know I will NEVER vote for him. Did you read the article about his wife in the New Yorker? Yikes!

And, is this campaign driving you crazy?


  1. Oh, my God, YES. I have stopped watching cable news because they give a certain person way too much press time.
    If he is elected, I will blame the media. Absolutely out of control. So I quietly pray a lot--we can't go in a direction that feels
    like pre WWII. And I'm careful about what I say. My solution: get a pile of good books and read until it's finally over. Or drink a lot.

    1. "Careful what you say" is a very good plan. I am going to do that!

  2. I have to agree with you. I wish I felt inspired.

    1. There is no inspiration here...I can say that for sure!

  3. Have had a TS/SCI clearance when I worked, lets just say I have a lot of issues with her. If I would have done what she did I'd be in jail by now.

  4. I can not imagine my voting for her. Jail may be in her future.

    1. Love Bernie. Wish the Democrats would select him. I know many Republicans who would vote for him.

  5. I am a devout liberal who will absolutely vote for Hillary. But I will do so holding my nose. Simply put, I have "Clinton Fatigue," and that probably starts with Hillary more than Bill. I would like to see a younger generation of liberal leaders begin to take hold in the Democratic Party. Getting off my soap box now, no, Barbara, I have *never* seen a campaign like this one. I hope and pray it's an anomaly.

    1. So do I. I believe that Trump's popularity is backlash against the ultraconservative agenda that we have lived with for too many years. Even the Republicans are a little sick of it...maybe!

  6. It's called "voting for the lesser of two evils".

  7. I'm closing my eyes and putting my hands in my ears until at least august.I font love the woman but I cannot in good consciousness vote for a person or party that wants to end reproductive rights and marriage equality, nevermind discriminate on the basis of religion. Do Here I am.

    And while I think trump is an embarrassment just think liberals. It could be freaking Ted Cruz.

    Hillary isn't going to jail. Colin Powell did the exact same thing she did.

    1. You are so any case a person in that position just does what they do without any boundaries. She, unlike many of her predecessors, has come under very close scrutiny because she is not Republican. But, I might add that I do believe that wrong is wrong no matter who the culprit is.

  8. Forgive my spelling errors as I type on the phone.

    1. Me too...I know what you are talking about. But, I still love it!


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