Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Voices Inside My Head

b+ 2016
I am taking a class on nutrition right now...it seems that my blood sugar is going up a little each year. My doctor suggested that I go because she knows that I think I know everything and doesn't have the time to argue with me.

I thought I would hate going to school. But, as it turns out, I kind of like it! For one thing I am glad that I am as healthy as I am. And the instructor is good and asks us some very interesting questions not related to eating. She has me thinking that what goes on inside of our head has as much to do with our general health as a lot of the food choices we make. Interesting huh?

So the other day she asked me to pay attention to what effect walking has on my writing. Could there possibly be a cause and effect between being VERY active and how my brain works. Maybe.

For many years I woke in the morning with the first sentence of a story running through my mind. I had no idea where the story would go and I never found out because life got in the way. Now I awake clear headed and there is no sentence at all. But, if occasionally there is a sentence, I simply sit at my computer and write. I love that part of my life.

But as I walk, I find solutions and make decisions and remember what I thought I had lost. The very act of walking fast and running out of breath frees my mind up to let all the drawers open. Things come tumbling out I thought I would never remember and I return to my house with enthusiasm for the rest of my day.

On a recent walk I decided that I would plant herbs in our new empty bed in the front. It also became clear to me that all that food planning could be a lot simpler that I originally thought. I have cleaned cupboards of clutter and am letting a lot of stuff go. It is evident to me that old spices are never going to be used and one patterned napkin is of no use.

But best of all is have discovery that I actually like to walk every day possible. Each time I go out I am surprised at what I find both in the world and inside my brain.

So yes, there are voices inside of my head but they are mine and I am working on one problem while solving another. I like that a lot.



  1. Very interesting. I will have to notice what effect walking has on me.

    1. Let me know. It is very interesting how something that makes my heart go fast could be so Zen like.

  2. Very thoughtful and inspiring post. I have found that if I do not walk at least every couple of days, I feel sluggish and complacent. When I walk, I tend to ponder nature and notice things around me that I might not otherwise notice being in a car or laying around in my house. I find it fascinating that you would get sentences and stories that just came to you. I have always envied people like you, with that natural talent!

    1. It is a gift of course and one that I have not used as wisely as I could have. Darn

  3. I need to make walking a habit. I've gained weight since we moved here. I guess I'm living 'fat and happy' but, it's not as healthy, for sure. There are wonderful places to walk here and this is the perfect time of year. You have inspired me!

    1. Well, I've taken over 9000 steps today and it is only 3:30. My Fitbit will buzz when I go over 10000. I like that a lot. I walked with my husband today which I like a lot.

      Have a great day!

  4. I so envy you getting rid of unneeded stuff in your cupboards! My husband is the cook so he has control. He hates to get rid of anything, anywhere.

    1. Well....the first time I opened a box and found weevils growing like crazy, I decided that dates on the boxes might just mean something. But it does take a lot of self-talk at times.

  5. I love my step counter. I manage to get more because of it, and I notice that I will often take the longer route on a walk so I can get more steps. Do you do that, too? :-)

    1. Yes I do. In fact, since I began walking more and more, I even dream about walking a very long ways. I suppose it could become addicting!

  6. It is utterly fascinating how our brains work. I frequently wake up with additions or edits for my current blog post...that I didn't even realize I had been thinking about (and that's great because I currently have no other editor)! I too am an avid walker. I hadn't thought about what effect walking has on my writing. I will now be much more observant of this. Thanks for a great post!

    1. Let me know what crosses your mind as you are crossing creek or road. I am interested.

  7. Walking is so meditative, putting one foot in front of the other, a repetitive task. There was an old Nike ad - Walking isn't just good for your heart, it's good for your soul. Sometimes when my life gets frazzled, I find myself thinking - if I could just go for a walk, I would feel better. I often gain insights to life issues while walking.

    1. Isn't that the truth. A good walk is the best medicine for so many things. I did get over 10,000 steps in yesterday. Now if I could just do that in less time I would like it. But I will continue to go at my pace. I don't want to such the joy out of it.

  8. I need to walk more, for my writing and for me. It has been so darn hot and humid though. I t is finally getting nicer so I will start again. Thanks

    1. I decided one day that I was going to ignor the sweat. I tied a red bandana around my head and put a hat on over it. The sweat didn't drip in my eyes. I drank water...a lot of water. It was worth the discomfort and I was careful not to over do it! Good luck.


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