Wednesday, October 26, 2016

10 Best Gifts for a Retiree's Christmas chosen by a Retiree

Need to begin thinking about gifts for the retiree on your list? Here is the best that I could find. Let me know what you think.

It seems to me that grandparents are getting younger all the time! I find it true in our RV resort and here in our 55+ neighborhood in Oregon.  And since Christmas is on the way I think you need to keep in mind that what you want they want too. Crocheting has long since gone out of style and lifelong learning is in. Keep that in mind when you buy gift!
Fitbit from Amazon
  1. A pedometer would be fun. A Fitbit is a wonderful device. If your parents or grandparents or are walking, why not give them a Fitbit so they can keep track of the miles they go each month. Walking made fun is good.
  2. I cannot tell you how many women I talk to regret the fact that their spouse cannot waltz or tango. How about dance lesson as a couples gift.  Even a dance lesson video might be fun. I think my husband and I would be more willing to try this first.
  3. I would love a gift card from Amazon or a book store. Better yet give the gift that gives all year...Amazon prime is one of the best gifts around.
    Runner headlamp from Amazon
  4. I think one of those little headlamps that runners and bicycle riders use is just quirky enough for the man on your list. My husband received one for Christmas several years ago. We like to walk after dark when we are in the RV resort but in the fall and springs we watch for snakes. When my husband is trying to work in a dark place like under the sink it has saved us a lot of quarrels. (Can't you shine the light where I want it? he says.) You may have to convince the man to actually use it but once he does, he will love it. NOTE: Your grandchildren will love these too!
  5. Does your favorite senior love to eat but have special needs like a gluten free diet, diabetic safe restrictions or no fat. Find that special treat online for them. Order meal through one of the many services that provide food ordered online. I have a friend that uses them and loves it a lot.
  6. I think a mini iPad or something like it is a wonderful gift.  
    Mini from Amazon
  7. If you senior owns an Kindle or a similar device, give them a gift certificate for some apps or publication on the device.
  8. Rent a wheel chair so you can take your less mobile parents out for the day. If they have such a thing, make it a beautiful ride. Seniors like cool just as well as the next guy. Just because they are having a hard time getting around temporarily does not mean they should live in a cave.
  9. Provide a service. Window washing (you can pay someone else to do this), a room painted, general cleaning (hire a housekeeper for a day), some yard work, spreading of bark add your own idea.  Be sure you can fulfill your promises though. If you plan to provide the service yourself, set a date for the offer and don't forget.  Your parents/grandparents can be disappointed too. If you are hiring someone, include a gift card for the service.
  10. Wrapped presents...serious Grandparents/parents love gifts. If they say they don't, they are liars!  Even a small gift from a department store can be very special if the wrapping or container is beautiful. Your senior will actually find a way to recycle the box!  Make the container part of the gift.
So what would be your favorite? I personally liked the iPad mini. I can see me using it a lot.

Have a wonderful week end. Remember, shop early and avoid the stress. Who needs that?



  1. I love your gift idea of a portable DVD player.
    I'm fast approaching 70 and I have some gift ideas I'd like to share with you readers.
    What about:
    - reading glasses, even ones with little reading lights on either side of the glasses that you can get at Walmart.
    - a key finder that you can buy on line.
    - a magnifying glass for the tv screen.
    - a hamper of personal care products.
    - a Tracfone SVC phone for seniors with bigger keys and letters on the screen.
    - take a senior to a park or let them even watch children playing on the playground, or take a senior out for coffee and cake at starbucks.
    Most of all we seniors want company and your time with us is the most valuable.

  2. These are wonderful ideas Maria. I like the taking people to the park one a lot. I remember living in Green Valley, AZ for one season several years ago. Green Valley is 55+ community so NO young people lived there. I just wanted to pull up to a school and watch children at play...but was afraid to. Thank you for the input.


  3. There is one thing everyone can do, even those on a budget. We can all visit a nearby nursing home and give our elders much-needed love!

  4. You are absolutely right Lisa, the gift of time is the best gift of all.


  5. These are good choices for aging people. Though it depends on which gift you want to provide the best.

  6. This is a great list, and I know gift cards are useful, and combine that with putting it in a box and wrapping it and you will combine two of your points.

    1. I like to supplement those tiny gifts with a card too. Good idea.

  7. Fabulous suggestions! Our family doesn't exchange presents anymore (whew!), but my MIL still appreciates a thoughtful gift (which, of course, means that I shop for it, not her son, my husband). You gave me a few ideas.

    1. Men are especially hard I think. Hopefully you will find just the perfect gift!

  8. I give my mom cards with stamps on them to send to others. She delights in sending birthday cards....

    1. This is just perfect...even address would be even better. Love it.

  9. Hi, Barbara: Your senior-gift-giving-ideas, and the suggestions from your readers, are outstanding! Thanks so much for sharing this!

    1. You are so welcome. There is nothing like making a list of all the things I love to share with other.

  10. Being a senior myself, I tell people to give me something consumable (chocolate!) or intangible (theatre or movies tickets). I don't want any more STUFF. Nowhere to put it in the motorhome.

    1. I don't need stuff either but I will say that a small gift is such a spirit lifting thing. My friends and I share "Tuesday" gifts...that is a gift given for no reason at all. Tuesday is the perfect day but you can figure it out for yourself.

  11. And, I don't hesitate to say, the greatest gift ever.


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