Thursday, June 8, 2017

Why Would We Ever Go Back?

I prefer fresh air whipped around by wind turbines!
You know how the smell of freshly baked pie or green grass freshly mown can bring back memories so strong and wonderful? I like those things too but the smells that bring back memories for me are not quite that delicious.

See, I like the smell of tar being applied to the roof of a house or the smell of turpentine that cleans paint brushes. I like the smell of coal going into the furnace and I can see the klinker we removed when that coal burned hot and dirty. I spent the first 6 years of my life in a house directly across from a cement plant that emitted dust that killed every plant within many miles. There were no regulations then. But I have such fond memories of those smells.  Those are Summer and Winter and home and clean walls for me. Even the smell of fumes from the lawn mower or diesel fuel used to power railroad trains remind me of my youth in a small village. It all brings back a time when life was simple and light.

I suppose I could become nostalgic and wish for those days back but then I remember that most of my health issues today are a result of those days just breathing in and out.

The simple fact is that going back to a day when the fossil fuel was what we had is not a good idea and I don't want that for my children or grandchildren or great-grandchildren. I prefer that those loved ones remember the smell of baking cookies and clean air after a rain. The pollution is gone and I rejoice in that. Why oh why would we ever go back?

Just a thought!



  1. I, for one, would never want to go back to the NYC of my youth, complete with smog sometimes so thick that you couldn't see across the street. Alana

    1. I had not noticed that the smog was gone until I wrote this small bit. It is amazing actually.

  2. I hear ya. I love the smell of the country ... even the smell of manure after they've spread it on the fields.

    1. Oh yes, the spring demanded a trip to the local farm so we could bring a load of manure home. I loved that smell too.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I totally agree Barb but that seems to be where the current leadership of our country and his base want. They want the good old days where coal was king. Sad isn't it.

    1. Yes it is. But, you can dig coal and no one would buy it. We can only hope.


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