Thursday, August 3, 2017

Living in the State of Denial

You have probably been to the State of know the one that is just south of Oblivious and on the road to Stupid! Yes, that is the one. Well that is where my husband and I live. When we are at home in that place, please do not come and visit.

Living in the State of Denial has its own problems...problems that come around and bite you on the behind. Even though you don't live in Stupid you will feel that way.

We are both so healthy and active that when we tip over for example, we decide that it is not our fault, go to bed for a little while and drink a gallon of water. We figure we are going to live forever and a nap will fix all problems.

Then one day one of us tips over in public and a big drama ensues. The people that know what they are talking about (paramedics) want us to take a trip to the hospital but we, in our infinite wisdom, decline as graciously as we can and go home. Now we have scared our family, undermined their confidence in our ability to make decisions and are about to face a big inconvenience. Darn.

The next day finds us sitting of hours in the ER at our local hospital, visiting the doctor within the next couple of day and being grounded by that same doctor. I hate when that happens...don't you?

So today we get to have a stress test...! Could all of this been avoided if we had just not been living in the State of Denial? I am thinking yes. Because now the doctors are trying to recreate what happened! Enduring that once was quite enough thank you.

Where do you live?


Note: The test reveals a healthy!


  1. My brother-in-law fell flat on his face in the middle of the night. His heart was fine, but turned out he has a problem with the Vagus Nerve. I'm glad you are okay.

    1. I think "fally on our face" is a lot more common than anyone wants to admit. There are no nerve problems we think. Thank you for your concern.

  2. Sometimes Denial is a nice quiet place to live, at least until you tip over.

    1. You get it...Denial works for us. Why live in reality any day before you need to.

  3. Happy to hear it all turned out well. Maybe it was just a chemical imbalance? Glad to hear it all turned out okay. At least I hope so! :-)

    1. It is about as good as it is going to get! I will take that.

  4. Don't feel bad. Most of us Boomers figure we have always had good health so that will go on forever....NO! I had a big wake up call this past winter. Surprise! I have COPD and nodules in my lungs! SHOCKING!

    1. We age differently and you have the same response I have...I am totally shocked. How dare my body turn on me! :)

  5. Hope it all turns out well and if there is a problem that it is easily to fix.

    1. We are fine and fixing us would require youth hormones or transplants! Darn!

  6. I am sorry to say that I think the State of Denial has many residents. My husband and I are two of them. We deny we are getting older and cannot do the things we used to do. I deny that many aches and pains should be examined by a doctor. My husband denies that his hearing and eyesight are slowly failing. The State of Denial seems to be the next community where older citizens are residing.


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