Tuesday, November 28, 2017

What IS Important?

Note: I published one year ago on this date. It is still important to me. How about you?

I have had this on my mind for a few days. I think it must be because the last few weeks have been very hard on all of us. We are trying to find the ground again and begin living our life without that dark cloud of mistrust and hurt feelings hanging over our heads. What is important in my world...really, what is it given that I have control over almost nothing?

The other day I was feeling very discouraged over a game of golf when one of the women I was playing with told me her grandson had committed suicide last week. What is important on a day like that?

My beautiful great-granddaughter smiled for the camera the other day and I loved her so. What is important on a day like that?

A friend dropped by with a problem here in the park and began to talk about his children and their spouses. The problem faded. What is important on a day like that?

Important: Our Earth
Important: Our young son and his beautiful

So, today the sun is shining. We shopped for vegetables and I made a pot of soup. Soon I will have a glass of wine and begin reading a book I ordered for my kindle on my iPad. I ordered a gift for a grandchild for Xmas and checked on another that is to be delivered later this week. I will order more this afternoon.

On this day, what is important to me is that pot of soup, the people I love and, above all, all of you. Outside of that I will do what I can to keep my family safe and loved, our earth clean and do my duty for my country. What else is there?

Important: My husband and I
laughing on our 56th wedding anniversary.
Have a wonderful day. I am sending much love your way.

What do you think is important?



  1. What is important is becoming easier and easier to identify the older I get. My list is much like yours! Sending love back............

    1. Thank you so much Ellen...we all need a little love these days!

  2. This is a very insightful post, Barbara.
    I LOVE the pic of you on your 56th wedding anniversary!

    1. We are a very happy couple. Surviving 56 years has not been easy but it has been entirely worth it. Much love to you.

  3. Wow, this is my favorite post of the last month on any blog, or anywhere else for that matter. And I love that photo of you and Earl laughing on your anniversary. THAT is important!

    1. Thank you so much Galen. I am glad that you agree that our love for each other, our friends and our family is the most important thing of all.

  4. So true. It's all about perspective, isn't it? We have to remember what is important.

    1. Sometimes it take a real shock for us to realize what is important. I know I get wrapped up in things that are not important so I need to remind myself. Thank you for stopping by.

  5. I, like you, was totally lost in this season's political campaign. Getting a balancing perspective back in life is hard but it looks like you are on the road to accomplishing that and hopefully so am I...

  6. Oh, I so agree, esp. at our stage of life. Work for justice and social causes if you want; but save your emotional energy for those who are close and important to you.

    1. If each of us would take care of our little corner of the world the whole world would be better for us having done that.

  7. Love this post.
    My knee jerk reaction was to move as I've never lived in a red area before.
    But I've made a good life for myself and love some of my friends despite....
    Most of my friends are in their 40's and self-employed so they're meeting at a local winery for a tasting. I'm going a bit later. It will be 5 o'clock somewhere. This is the first time I will be seeing them since so i'm a a bit nervous!
    But as you said life's what's important to you; family and friends top that list. Then the best selling book I'm writing (sure)!

    1. Well, I for one will be reading the book...let me know. I think we need to reassure ourselves that during those administrations that we loved there were people that felt like we do today. Hopefully, we will be fine. In the meantime we need to remember that we are good, kind and doing what we think is the right thing. In the end that is all we can do.

      Be at peace. All is well. :)

  8. Great post. I am coming around to the same thought that we can only do what we can right around us. 56 years is quite the accomplishment these days. We're on 46 so we're right behind you. It's been a wonderful life really.

  9. One year later, I'm still trying to find firm footing. But you are right: the people we love, the activities that get our hearts pumping and make us feel truly alive, the experiences and vistas that fill our souls... those are the most important.

    1. I still believe that our little corner of the world is the one we can tend to and actually has some effect on all of mankind. It is like the ripples on a pond.

  10. I am sitting here with my laptop trying to read with one eye, as the other is covered with a patch from yesterday's cataract surgery. Hoping for good sight, but being grateful for all my cyber friends and the community we have created. Incredibly important for me! :-)

    1. My husband refers to all of you as "internet friends". It even spills over into his life. We are richer for knowing all of you...especially loyal followers like you DJan. :)



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