Friday, December 8, 2017

How much do you care?

It has come to me recently that what readers want is to be entertained...they really aren't so much interested in my sleep habits or even my health. They are usually very nice but care? I wonder.

We sold our park model today...that made my husband and I very "do the happy dance" happy. We played golf with two very nice people, ate Mexican and drove home.

Beautiful Tucson Winter!
Tucson showed us that side of itself that makes us wonder why we ever  leave. The colors on the rocks over in Tucson Estates are as glorious as any we have see anywhere in the world. I shared on Swarm with a picture.

So there you have it...I feel better because my day was perfect and I just wanted to tell you. But, the question is "Do you care?" We will see.



  1. Yes,, very much. I have whittled down my blog list to about 30 and whilst I rarely leave many comments I feel that a have a likeminded community in various parts of the world. Not friends like my real life friends but people whose lives I am interested in.
    One question, what is a park model?
    Christmas preparations in full swing here in my neck of the woods. Getting slightly manic!

  2. So happy that you sold the Park model, waiting to see pictures of your new home! Congratulations! And yes, I care :)

    1. A park model is similar to a trailer. It is about 38 feet long and 12 feet wide. See this post: A picture is down the page a ways.

  3. Good news about the park model sale! Life gets simpler and simpler.

    1. Yes it does. We are enjoying it more and more as a result!

  4. I think mostly we want to be entertained, but . . . congrats on the sale and it's good to know you've had the perfect day!

    1. I knew you would agree. We are not all funny nor are we particularly good writers. But at least we try and the blog is more for ourselves than for anyone else anyway.

  5. I like a little entertainment and a little personal. Great news on the sale... what are your plans and why do you need to leave Tucson if you don't want to?

    1. We are not leaving Tucson. We bought a townhouse closer into the city. We have more room, own our land under the home and like being among younger people. We are happy.


Leave your thoughts...I am interested.

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