Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Gift was in the Mail?

Sure looks new for a
 55 year old smoker !)
Having dealt with repair people that tell me that "the part is in the mail" I do know how that works. Only last week we were waiting on that mysterious part for our refrigerator.

I suppose that is where I got the idea for my husbands Father's Day gift. See, almost 55 years ago I promised him a smoker...a real honest to goodness, big smoker for meat and other stuff. Then life happened and I forgot about the smoker...sorta. Honestly, my conscience has bothered me a little ever since.

So when our grandson turned up with one, I knew the game was on. I could not have our grandson with a smoker and my disappointed husband without. My husband agreed.

As soon as we arrived home from our dinner with that child, my husband was on the internet shopping. Next thing we both knew, the smoker was ordered, delivered and in  the 100 pieces.

There were no complaints about the assembly required and just 10 days later, we are putting salmon in the smoker along with some potatoes. (Have you ever tasted smoked potato salad? Yum)

The gift has finally arrive! I feel better now.



  1. A dream deferred, but not forgotten! Congrats to your husband for his gift that was 55 years in the making.

  2. Lucky your husband could put the entire thing together. An accomplishment - now enjoy the fruits of his labor!

    1. We are! The thing is there is a learning curve AND the prep is very involved. Soaking in a brine is important I think because actually cooks the meat a little bit. I am doing more research on that.

  3. Congratulations to hubby for finally getting that smoker. And to you as well, for your part in it all. And no, I've never had smoked potato salad, but something tells me it would be good. :-)

    1. I did smoke the potatoes...they were as good as I thought they would be. I will be adding some ingredients to them next time. Stay tuned.


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