Saturday, March 19, 2022

Greeting Card Insults...or something like that!

I was at the grocery this last week searching for a greeting card for a friend that was turning 101...yes you heard me right, one hundred one years old! As I passed the first of the cards, my eyes went to a very cute pair of Tom's with a colorful cat design. "I love your shoes" came out of my mouth without thinking.

The lady that turned to me was beautiful. "Oh," she said, "my daughter buys them for me. I have several pairs."

The conversation had begun. I told her that I was buying for my 101 year old friend. She turned to look at me with puzzled eyes. "Well, I am 92." she said. She was not nearly as impressed as I thought she would be.

The exchange turned to all those things we talk about with strangers. Then it was time to leave and as I moved to go, she told me she was buying a card for her daughter-in-law. "I don't like her very much but oh well" she said.

Unfortunately, there was not a card for that sentiment:

I think I need to tell you...

I don't really like you.


oh well



Golly, I love going to the grocery store.


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