Thursday, June 6, 2024

It's All Good...I Think

You loose...sorry! life is not perfect! What is a person going to do.

When my husband passed away I went straight to anger and that feeling of rage continues for many months. Is that normal? I have no idea. What was my way probably was not anyone else's. I had know for many year that "Life is not perfect."

This last weekend my friend died suddenly. His wife called because she had not heard from me. I was oblivious to the event. I'm not good at reading email and get myself reprimands for my bad habit. If there were a way to get rid of junk mail, I would probably be better. In this case it was so sad. I did not give her the support I wanted to give.

I had to remind myself one more is not perfect nor am I.

I told you in my last post that I had been put in "time-out" by my car. I do not drive as safely as I should but then who does? Life is not perfect!

There are mishaps with family, broken fences and money is not perfect.

And for some strange reason I remain optimistic...hopelessly happy or positive. It may be the medication or it may be pure practice. Who knows.

How do you handle life when everything is not perfect. I would like to know.

My go to attitude is "It is all good...I think!" But still the fact that life is not perfect remains.


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