Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tucson, AZ Places to eat, pictures and more!

La Placita Village...nearly abandon but still
beautifully colorful!
Downtown Tucson

The end of the season is soon it seems. We came to Tucson almost 7 month ago and took a short break to be home for Christmas. Time flies so fast it seems.

Tuesday night we wandered downtown to take a few pictures at La Placita and then venture out for dinner on 4th Avenue near the University of Arizona campus. The neighborhood is so quirky and interesting.

Photo taken with camera pressed against the door of a furniture refurnishing shop...unique light!
4th Avenue
Tucson, AZ

Caruso's Italian Restaurant
434 N. 4th Avenue
Tucson, AZ

Caruso's is a Tucson landmark and has been in the same location forever. The food is good Italian and the restaurant is so family friendly. The waiter on the terrace gave us wonderful service and as the evening settled in the lighting was just perfect. 3 1/2 Stars

Courtyard at Caruso's

I have a few last pictures from Tucson for you and then my next post will be from Las Vegas where we will be spending a couple of day in our World Mark timeshare. We will east at one of our favorites, Chicago Joe's the first night...more about that later I suppose.

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