Wednesday, April 15, 2009

South of Tucson Down Mexico Way

(I have inserted the logos for the places I am suggesting to you. Just a little free advertising for them! Go to the web sites to find more information.)

We had our first rattle snake sighting of the year on the golf course yesterday. Going up into the cactus requires some reconnoitering this time of year. We were playing down in Green Valley, AZ on the San Ignacio Golf Club. This course winds it's way among the housing built along the arroyos and cactus covered hillsides. Green Valley is a 55+ community and now boasts a population of over 17,000 with a median age of over 72 years of age.

We have stayed in Green Valley for one season and have friends that own property there. The population is very seasonal with a majority of the residents leaving during the hottest months of the year for other parts of the country.

The Elk's Club and the Senior Centers in the community are exceptionally active during high season. Even though the population is retirement age, the citizens manage to stay busy with golf, social activities, hiking and a multitude of other interests. The libraries, one in Green Valley and on in nearby Sahuarita, are wonderful and provide computers for travels without their own hook up.

After our golf round yesterday we drove on down to Tumarcacori for dinner at Wisdom's Cafe. The restaurant has been there for many years but has updated the decor and expanded the dining room. Tuesday night is two for one margaritas so the tables were all full and we had to wait for several minutes...not a bad place to spend a few minutes at the bar figuring out whats in that wonderful Margarita recipe that brings people back. I had their shrimp tacos for dinner. They were exceptionally good. I might also recommend their fruit burro...a delicious desert to follow your Mexican dinner.

Tumarcacori is located just south of the artisan community of Tubac, AZ, In fact the whole area is very interesting. Tumarcacori National Historic Site is worth taking time for and the Santa Cruz Chili Spice Factory nearby is always a good stop. We have also enjoyed meals in Amado at the Cow Palace where down home food rules. There are many places to eat in the area.

We sometimes forget about this area south of Tucson. I have only listed a very few things that you can see and do. Life is just a little slower down Mexico way. We love to drive out and just sight see. I think we might do it more often now that we have remembered the things we love about that part of Arizona.

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