Friday, April 10, 2009

Tucson AZ Update...the cactus are in bloom!

Flowers in Our Yard
April 10, 2009

Haven Golf Course
iphone photo


The weather in Tucson is generally just gorgeous! Yesterday we played golf in Green Valley, AZ. It is located south of Tucson and is about 40 minutes away from where we live. While Green Valley has some very upscale courses that cost a great deal, they also have a municipal course called Haven that serves all of the area. It is well maintained and very, very busy. We booked our tee times on a discount web site (Golf Now or EZ Links , a bidding website) and were paired with a couple from Germany. Green fees run at about $43.00 for 18 holes with a cart if you book through the course. We payed $23.00 + Tax. It was a wonderful day at the right price.


This may be a Beavertail Cactus...I am not an expert. The blooms are yellow like a Prickly Pear but the thorns are very short like a Beavertail Cactus. It is blooming in front of our neighbor's park model. The plant is more than 6 feet tall.

Sony Cyber Shot



The wind is howling here today and dust obscures the mountains. It is a good day to stay indoor and blog or clean drawers. It is like a snowy day in the know how that is!

Have a nice day.


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