Thursday, July 16, 2009

RV fun at it's best!

RV set up with computer.
This is a 35 ft. 2002 Dolphin with
around 20,000 miles on it.
We are still trying to sell it but are
enjoying it in the mean time.
More information available at

Camping with family is one of the finer things in life. All the wealth in the world will not replace time spent at a camp ground close to home with lots of children, tents and tons of food. I suppose that is why the "staycation" is becoming so popular. After all, fun is fun and whether it cost a lot doesn't matter especially to children.

My almost six granddaughter just kept saying over and over "I am having so much fun." Now this child has travels all over the world, stayed in the finest hotels and seen things you and I can never imagine. Her spring break was spent in Viet Nam this year. I rest my case.

I suppose pitching the tents provided the most amusement of all. How do you pitch a tent? Well you gather all you brothers, sisters, in-laws, neices and nephews together, lock Grandma in the RV (she's bossy) and proceed to laugh your way through 100 pieces of support, 75 bungee cords, 50 tent stakes and a tarp to cover it all.

Then there is matter of cutting the fire wood and getting the baby to sleep...all at the same time. You just gather a bunch of small logs while carrying the baby in the back pack, get somebody to saw and stand on the log while the baby is sleeping. Works every time.

There is no time for a beauty regimen while camping. It is just a whole week of "bad hair days". But when you can take Amelia for a run, what more do you need. Looks just are not important.

I love this about the retirement life style. We are free to enjoy those things we love the most and build our lives around our family's need for part of each year. Then, when winter comes, we head south, our family survives on their own and everyone is happy. It is just the right amount of everything for everybody.


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