Monday, August 3, 2009

Tour Company VS Independent Travel

People's Square
Shanghai, People Republic of China

Guided Tour vs Independent Travel???

FYI...Nomadic Matt posted a blog about a guided tour company called Contiki Holidays. The article, Would You Contiki?, targeted travel mode choices, specifically back packing vs a tour company. He pointed out that we need to beware of tour companies claims that they are cheaper than independent travel. Back packing is probably not going to be my mode of travel. But I still find independent travel to be inexpensive and...well...independent.

Here is where I add the caveat. I have traveled with a tour company and it was just the perfect thing at the time. I was innocent and inexperienced. It would not have worked for me to travel independently in anyway. But, after doing the tour thing a couple of times on the east coast, I learned how to do it myself. A little research and a lot of common sense has allowed me to travel in a some exotic places.

So don't get rid of the travel could take a trip with a tour company, learn what their tricks are (pick their brains folks) and then do it yourself. Go back to that wonderful place you didn't get enough of the first time and just hang out, doing things at your own pace and enjoy!


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