Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Acai Berry and miracles here!!!

There are so many dietary supplements on the market today and we are bombarded with the idea that aging can somehow be reversed or stopped.  Products that promise a better night sleep or renewed energy have been around for years. I, for one, am a skeptic.  How about you?  Have you ever taken melatonin to get a good nights sleep after flying across the ocean?  Or how about that new wonder berry the acai (a sigh ee)?  I have tried both.  The melitonin did give me a few hours of rest but I thought it was a waste of my money.  As for the acai I am now taking a tablespoon of the juice in the morning.  I just wanted to share some of the information that has come out on legitimate websites about the berry and it's effects.  Wikipedia has good basic information.  They said:
Marketers of these products (company name deleted) make claims that açaí provides increased energy levels, improved sexual performance, improved digestion, detoxification, high fiber content, improved skin appearance, improved heartimproved sleep, and reduction of cholesterol levels. Quackwatch noted that "açai juice has only middling levels of antioxidants—less than that of Concord grape, blueberry, and black cherry juices, but more than cranberry, orange, and apple juices." Furthermore, the extent to which antioxidants[2] According to the Washington, D.C. based Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) thousands of consumers have had trouble stopping recurrent charges on their credit cards when they cancel free trials of açai-based products. [3][4] health, by themselves promote health is a matter of some debate. No credible evidence suggests antioxidants promote weight loss.

However....(giggle) I do take a tablespoon of acai juice everyday.  Did I loose 15 pounds in the first week as claimed online?  Noooooooo!  Thank heavens for that! But I do think my digestion and lower intestinal track is working better than before.  Really I don't want to talk about bodily functions at all....ever.  So all I will say is this fruit juice is really tasty and if it has a positive effect on my plumbing then I am all for it!  If it has even one of the other benefits mentioned then it is win win for me.   I do not expect that to happen.  Ordinarily I would discuss taking something like this with my physician so I will mention it to him when I go in for a physical.  I am not diabetic nor do I have any other maladies that would be effected by fruit juice.  I just wanted to let you know that it did not make me sick, cause diarrhea or turn me purple.  All of those things are good in my world.

There are a lot of scams (see quackwatch) out there talking about rapid weight loss and feelings of exhilaration/high energy.  Most are very costly.  Some of those products are acai pills sold in conjunction with other supplements.  I don't think that we should mess with our bodies in a way that would cause us to drop several pounds a day or even "cleanse" our system in the way that they suggest.  I personally believe that too much can go wrong, especially when you are a senior citizen.  You should avoid the wild claims made by online scam artists.  Grocery stores with knowledgeable sales people that specialize in organic food and high quality supplements is a good source for this product and one I use frequently.  Please note that you should not expect anything miraculous...sorry!!!!

I just thought you would want to know.

Have a great day!


Related Links (acai super food)
Secrets of the Blue Zone (
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