Monday, December 28, 2009

Wanderlust....Thirst for Travel...Retiree's Quest!

Prompt 96: Wanderlust

Thanks to Tammie Lee of Spirit Helpers for this week's prompt, wanderlust.

(bottom right hand corner) 
People's Plaza

Shanghai, China

do we search the earth
wanderlust desire
looking for ourselves
in exotic places.

We are retired.  We have been trying to satisfy the wanderlust that lurked deep in our hearts for all of our working lives.  The journey has taken us to far flung places...Manila, Bangkok, Hong Kong, Malaga, London, Madrid, Seville, Shanghai, Beijing...we have looked in people's faces, bargained for their treasures and returned home only wanting more. 

What is that thing called wanderlust?  My grandmother was born on the cusp of a new century riding in a carriage drawn by horses.  Her home was a canyon that held mines and brothels.  The railroad was the one built by her father.  Even though she never traveled to far away places, she lived with her hat hung close to the front door.  If she heard the word "go" she would always be ready before the driver could find his coat. 

Maybe the lust for travel is a genetic link that caused men and women to search and explore the far corners of the earth.  Maybe we are descended from Magellan or Cortez.  Maybe....

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  1. Wanderlust is a wondrous thing. I had it for years, but now can sit tucked in my little corner and pull out memory after memory. Nice piece!

  2. Both poem and prose are wonderfully thoughtful. Thank you for sharing these.

  3. We wandered rarely, here and there; Leon had experienced travel before he met me, I had not, was content to be home. But moving to WA in 2004, and then seeing Scotland last summer;, and seeing the wonder of mountains and other oceans - well, it sure opened me up to travel. RV purchased, remodeling begun, just need to make time, and we are working hard on that!

  4. Maybe we are trying to rediscover ourselves, or learn a little more about who we really are?

  5. b,
    Thank you so much for you visit and comments. I’ll stop by your site very soon. You are always welcome here.

    Thank you so much for your visit and comments. I'll stop by your site again very soon. You are always welcome here.
    Yousei Hime

  6. b,
    Thank you so much for you visit and comments. I’ll stop by your site very soon. You are always welcome here.

    Thank you so much for your visit and comments. I'll stop by your site again very soon. You are always welcome here.
    Yousei Hime

  7. thank you all for stopping by...Marcia I am very excited about your RV purchase.

    Lock Rob...yes we are looking for ourselves. Could it be what we see a part of our personality in other people's eyes? I have always thought that when we look at another's face we see a reflection of our own!

    Sue, yes I know what you mean. The need for travels lessens with each passing year.

    I will see you all very soon.


  8. why is a good question
    how wonderful that you get to travel and yearn for more.

  9. to see oneself mirrored in a stranger's eye. wonderful!


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