Monday, January 25, 2010

Online Games FREE!!! Exercise for the Mind!

Image representing Lumosity as depicted in Cru...Image via CrunchBase
Keeping the old brain in training can actually be fun!!!  Really.  I just found a website called Lumosity that features games and brain teasers.  Braingle, Brainbashers, Smart-Kit and Brain Fun are just a few of your choices.  This is just one of the brain teasers from Brain Fun:

What Month Is It?

If you add together the date of the last Monday of last month and the first Thursday of next month, the result is 38. Both dates are in the same year.
What is the current month?
Get the answer to What Month Is It?.
 Take a look at them.  They are lots of fun.  We all know we need to use it or lose it!


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