Sunday, March 7, 2010

When is a motor home to old to drive down the road?

Monaco Coach
Crown Royal

I ask too many questions...I know that.  In my defense I mean no harm.

Yesterday I wrote about foreigners buying motor homes.   When I saw this Austrian couple's motor home, all I could think was "oh my goodness are you taking that out on the road?"  Paint worn, dented here and there, well used or used hard.   I did not imagine that they planned on traveling in the motor home.  I thought they were just going to live in it here in the southwest.  The gentleman was thoroughly disgusted with me..."why would I buy a motor home and park it?" he said.  I just stood mute...I didn't want to be rude.  "Oh, I am so sorry...I am dumb as a bag of hammers!"  I don't think he knew what I meant...not even a little.

We traveled with a couple that owned a coach about this vintage and it was a royal pain in the *%^&.  Solenoids, connections, leaks, stuck under name it. It was diesel pusher just like the one pictured above.   I actually offered to kiss a mechanic on the lips once when we could start our journey again because he fixed their RV.

Is this Monaco coach built by a company that declared bankruptcy last March a good choice?  I don't know.  All I know is that our RV resort does not allow old motor homes to keep up appearances and all that you know.  When I saw this, it surprised me a bit.  I am wishing them luck!

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1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    can anyone tell me which is the best counter strike guide ? :)...i found this one :

    What do you think beside it ?

    Thanx in advance

    Sorry for my bad english :s


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