Saturday, March 6, 2010

RV Resort Living...Expats/foreign Visitors and Motor Homes

In the motor home section of our RV park you can find liscense plates from all over the United States and Canada.  Huge rigs pull in here for the gem show and the spaces remain full until the snow birds head home.  The spaces are large and newly paved.  But there are some motor homes parked through out the park in spaces left empty by park models that  have been sold or the owner has removed for various reasons.  My friend has a motor home parked next to her now.  The owners are from Austria.  They have come to the United States to travel so they purchased a second hand motor home and a new car to tow behind it.  They will stay for two weeks, travel in the western United States and then return to the park to store their RV.  They have Arizona license plates and a Tucson, AZ address.  Friends in town are helping them.  The motor home is quite old so resale on it will be a lot easier than if they bought new. 

It will work for them just fine.  However, I would suggest you do this in a state like Oregon where the license fee for RV's is much less.  It would be very wise to check and see what states have cheaper fees and go there.  Arizona is very expensive.    Because we are residents of Oregon, we took delivery of our motor home in New Mexico and licensed it in Oregon.  When you are an expat or a visitor, the rules are probably a little different.  Just a thought.
I couldn't resist the temptation to take a picture of one of our neighbors helping her husband work the his motorcycle kick stand .  This is the only way I could  ride a motorcycle.  She told me about a bland man that rode his motorcycle on the back of a trailer like this.                                               
A friend of mine has started a new business...she just celebrated her 70th birthday.  Isn't that amazing?  She discovered Scentsy Pots, a product that she loved and signed on to sell it from her home.  After receiving a Scentsy Pot for Christmas, she could only think of the advantage of using a product like this in our park models.  Small night lights with a dish on the top for melting a very small amount of scented wax can make our park models smell heavenly.  No fire, no soot, no expensive candles.  She has a little open house about once a month and her business has been very good here this winter.  I went to her coffee this morning and ordered a gift for my daughter who will be visiting soon.  Go to Mary Grace's website to see what she has to offer.  You can even order on-line if you wish. 

That is the way my day has gone.  Beautiful and sunny today.


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