Thursday, October 7, 2010

Magpie Tales #35 Fall Poetry...Traveling Books!

Leaves were gone
On that wintry day
Painted images remained.
They told tales of
Rain and wind,
Feet tramped over
Frozen veins of
Hidden color.
Sidewalk to
Nowhere became
Gallery of
What was
What will be.

We will be leaving our beautiful northwest home soon.  Oak leaves fall on the sidewalks and the first rain will bleed their color onto the concrete.  They are then very much like negatives of a beautiful summer picture.  I will miss the smell of things growing.  Good bye Oregon.

I will be packing my books of poetry (Mary Oliver New and Selected Poems) and reference material that I cannot do without (Malcolm Gladwell The Tipping Point and Blink).  My kindle will store my other books...except the one I am currently reading, The Echo Maker.)

Have a lovely day...I need to go and get packing.  Really, I do!


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