Saturday, November 27, 2010

6 Ways to Afford + 10 Travel Tips .... Mexico's Grand Mayan Resort Vacation

Here are some tips on vacations in Mexico.

Now, I should tell you expense of staying here in Puerta Vallarta Grand Mayan very high! WOW!  Would I stay home because the food on the resort will cost me an arm and a leg or taxis are expensive?  Not a chance. 

We have spent a lot because this is our 50th wedding anniversary.  But another time we will use our wits and make the trip a little more affordable.  We will:
Rhino Car Hire
  1. ..get a taxi and go to Walmart or another grocery close by and buy breakfast and lunch food, drinks, snacks and even sunscreen if we forget it at home.  I was told that the taxi ride will cost around $6.00usd.  Trust me you will not regret it.
  2. ..walk to the local restaurants (near the marina here in Puerto Vallarta) for most of the meals we eat out.  There are several, some a little less expensive and others beautiful and expensive.
  3. ..go out for gets dark and we cannot see the wildlife in the dark so it will not matter.  Lunch is always less expensive.
  4. a car to use while we are here...we know the lay of the land now and would enjoy just going out to see what we can see.  At a website called Rhino Car Hire Booking that operates out of the PV airport we see that we can rent a car for around $8.00 and up per day.
  5. ..check into bus transportation to the downtown area or ask to share a cab with others.  A cab ride to town and back will cost you about $40.00
  6. our trinkets on the beach...there is no value added taxes for those items.
With the money we save doing these things we will go on one of the adventure tours. There is one that sails at sunset that would be great fun.  After taking part in the tour of the city and the tequila factory, I am convinced that the Grand Mayan has taken care to find good partners to provide for people wanting more than the resort can offer.

We have been in Mexico several time and there are things we have learned the hard way.  Maybe we can save you some time, money and inconvenience.
Vendors along the Rio Cuale
  1. The vendors are relentless...making friends with a beach sales person can turn out to be a nightmare.  They will not go away.
  2. Time share salesmen/women are very smart and relentless too.  I don't know how to make them understand no without getting cranky...let me know when you figure that one out.  I have been beat down more than once.
  3. Walking down main street near any tourist attraction is like walking the gauntlet...if you do not want to buy, be very clear that you are not buying. Walk with intention.  Once you stop you are in for a sales pitch.  Even sale persons in stores will sell you to death.  I usually leave when I am bothered too much.  I have said many, many time "I do not buy unless I fall in love with something.  LET ME LOOK!"  People in the resort areas speak English so they understand.
  4. If you can ditch your armbands from your timeshare or all inclusive resort, do so.  You are identified by them.  It will save you a lot of grief.
  5. While we here in the US are generally friendly and open, we need to remember that eye contact in many countries is an invitation for much more than a smile.  Guard you smile and be aware of your eyes.
  6. Learn a little Spanish.  It will help you in ways you can never imagine.
  7. Do not make fun of locals...they can speak English.  We have never done this but I have heard some pretty rude comments by tourist.  
  8. Take advantage of concierge serves in the resort.  Staff people can be very helpful
  9. No matter where you are lock your pass port and other valuables in the safe provided.  Trust me it is going to save your bacon sooner or later.
  10. Be nice but be firm!  
When we were in Jamacia staying at a Sandals Resort we were told it was not safe to leave the resort but here in Mexico we do not feel that way.  BUT I will tell you now you need to be careful....just like New York City or any other city in the world, there always are people out there that can hurt you.  You need to pay attention.  A man on the corner that can help you find your way is not necessarily trying to be helpful---he has an angle so be prepared!

I just thought you would all want to know.

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  1. Hello! Show your blog on iPhone!


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