Saturday, November 6, 2010

Life in Tucson AZ...All Souls Procession

Mexican family tidying and decorating gravesit...Image via Wikipedia
This image was taken in Mexico but the cemeteries here in Tucson Az undergo the same kind of transformaton this time of year

We will attend the All Souls Day Procession in the University area of Tucson tomorrow.  We have heard that it is something we should all see.  Those of us that live in Tucson are very aware of the All Souls celebration that occurs at the end of October.  Day of the Dead ceramic statues are available everywhere here in the city and actually begin to look beautiful to a person after some length of time.  Skeletons dressed in the clothing they would have worn in life depict the good and the evil that have walked among us.  

When we drove by the Catholic Cemetery on the north side of Tucson last year, families gathered at the burial site of the ancestors.  The one that caught my eye was a family gathered around a beautifully decorated ice cream cart in their lawn chairs.  Picnic baskets were open and the family celebrated the life of a deceased relative. The video on the information page gives you a good feel for what we will see and hear tomorrow.

The celebration begins in mid September and includes art shows, musical events, a costume fashion show, a rememberance dinner and the Grand Finale All Souls Procession on Sunday. 

I love the 4th Ave/University area here in the city where the finale is held.  This is just a funky neighborhood that reflects a college community atmosphere. The cultural and art events in the city seem to happen right there.  It will be fun!

I have included some images below so you can get a look at what the puppets and costumes might like.  Tomorrow I will include pictures.


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