Saturday, January 22, 2011

Before and After on Apartment Therapy...which color do you like?

From Apartment Therapy (before)
From Apartment Therapy (after)
Do you get out the camera and take a picture BEFORE the painting begins?  It is such a good idea and I wish I did.  That is what they did on the Apartment Therapy website. In the before picture the wall was painted a gray-blue shade. The designer decided it was time for a change and painted the room salmon pink.

It may be my age or maybe I am slow on the uptake but doesn't the blue look better than the red?  In fact we just painted our bedroom that blue color this last summer. I hate being behind the trend but the red just does not appeal to me.
My Bedroom
This is where a person has to know what they like and what they don't.  Color is a very personal thing and my style is not yours.  It is all good!!!

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