Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How to herd cats...playing golf with women!

Yesterday I mentioned that I was going to play golf today with a ladies club on Fred Enke Public Golf Course here on the Eastside of Tucson Arizona.  The course is located off of Irvington and very near the east campus of Pima County Community College.  I was paired with 2 other women and one club board member.

I am joining the club for 4 months at a cost of $25, adding my handicap to the package for another $25 and buying hole in one insurance for $2.  My round of golf with a resident's card was $32 including a cart.  After I have played a number of rounds with the women, the residents card will give me a free round of golf.  Actually, when you think about it, it is a very reasonable kind of recreation.

In organizations like this, the people that have volunteered to be in charge try to keep a modicum of continuity in the games that we play.   You have to give them a round of applause for trying.  The board member that plays with new member tries to explain the drill to the new members so everyone is on the same page.

I don't know how this works with men but leading women is a lot like herding cats!  In a woman's mind, the rules/proceedures are made to be revised.  This process of revision is one that each woman feels is her responsibility.  My hat is off to any woman that consents to do the board member's job.

This is the second time I have given "ladies day" play a try during my golfing life.  I hope that I can do this week in and week out.  I had such a good time today.  I am still not any closer to understanding how to herd I grow older I may be getting more and more catlike.  I, however, do not want to be in charge, make the rules or even keep the score (other than my own).  Being a quiet cat is a very good thing.

Cats love to play with a ball, are very independent and can scratch if they are displeased...sounds like a woman golfer to me!

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1 comment:

  1. In addition, dogs have masters while cats have support staff. You and your ladies are cats, indeed. Norah


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