Monday, February 7, 2011

Elder Cohousing; Senior Housing, Retirement Option - AARP Bulletin

Duwamish Cohousing (formerly Ciel Cohousing), ...Image via Wikipedia Seattle WA cohousing project. Elder Cohousing; Senior Housing, Retirement Option - AARP Bulletin

This wonderful article appeared recently on the AARP website. The author was also quoted on Aging in Place as a part of a post about where we live in the context of living not the disability that demands it. Sally Abrahms, is a writer from Boston, wrote this article as part of her MetLife Foundation Journalists on Aging Fellowship in partnership withNew America Media and the Gerontological Society of America. Information from AARP Bulletin 
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1 comment:

  1. It is important to look for affordable retirement community as well as seniors must enjoy their retirement days and to keep physically and mentally active.


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