Monday, May 30, 2011

3 BEST FOR MONDAY! Wine, Technology, and Kitchen Tool

The Short Bucket List!
I did not think I would ever say this but it seems I am creating a bucket list!  It turns out there are things I want  but can't have right now.  The list only has one item on it at this time.  I think I'll just stick with the one for now.  It is a pretty big thing.  I want to go shopping for clothes with an obscene amount of money!

And Things I Want NOW!
There are things I want and I want them now!  But only the best please.
Apple's Magic Trackpad
  1. Today I saw the new Magic Trackpad for a desktop computer.  I want it so bad.  I have been using a wireless mouse for several years now and it is beginning to click and drag.  I love the trackpad on a laptop but never dreamed I could have one for my desktop. I think I may not only want it but I also NEED one of these toys.  What do you think?  
  2. I also need the best micro-plane there is and I need it now. Every contemporary condo kitchen needs beautiful and functional tools.  I have one of these utensils in our little doll house in the dessert but did not bring it home with me.  I did not know that I used it so much until I returned home to a drawer full of antique graters that my grandmother owned.  As an aspiring gourmet cook (giggle) I feel it must have a beautiful colored handle. I found one at for only $14.95 +shipping.  I need it now.
  3. I want 12 or more bottles of Brazin (B)Old Vine Zinfandel wine...and I want it tonight. I love old vine zins and as a taster of wines, most of them very cheap, this wine is like heaven.  We had this wine for our Valentines Dinner at the Arizona Inn last spring and have talked about it ever since.  This last weekend when we were at the beach we found a bottle at the local Safeway store of all places.  After drinking our second bottle, I knew we were hooked for sure. (A list of local vendors is available on their website.) This wine is just so tasty I cannot get over it.  They said and I agree:

Brazin scoffs at lesser wines. The first sip of this decadent treat demands another – it's so shameless, so irresistible, so Brazin!
Don't forget Father's Day is coming and this wine would be the perfect gift.

There you have 3 best for Monday. easy it could be.  Shopping is so much fun even when I am only dreaming.

Have a wonderful day!


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