Monday, August 1, 2011

Links: Tech, Style, Free Stuff, Cosmo for Men & PDX Happy Hour

Note:  All these links came from site I follow on Twitter.  I will provide a list of the Twits I follow.

Faster Internet: with Clearwire:  My husband and I have used Clearwire for two years now.  When we began using the service we were given $20 monthly price for life...a good thing it seemed.  Clearwire would reset the modem when the speed dropped and we got by for 6 month of the year.

But I did not like it.  It was not fast enough to suit me.  The last spring I finally went to the Clearwire website myself and began looking at what was available to me.  I found lots of good idea for checking on speed, coverage area and plans for service.  In fact that was where I found the Global Speedtest. After I ran the speed test I called Clearwire and upgraded my service!  The pace of my connection was so bad I wondered why we were being charged at all.

Now we have moved to a new location in Hillsboro.  After an initial surge of speed on the first day the download speed has dropped off to .88 mbps  and upload is now at .06 mbps.  When I look at the comparison of the speed to the national average we are at 8% and globally we are at 14%.  Should we expect better than that?  Well I think so.  Comcast is coming tomorrow so we will see how they stack up to the averages.

Computer Setting for Apple TV:  We have a Apple TV in the park model we own in Tucson.  We can connect to Flickr through our computer.  This post on Unplugged over at Apartment Therapy is something I will be referring back to and using to increase the streaming speed for movies.  Hopefully, we will not get hiccups in the stream if I follow the directions.

Lovely Clusters:  Blogger chose Lovely Clusters as Today Blog of Note.  If you love beautiful clothes and colors that make you want to sing, this will be a good stop for you.

Free Stuff:    I love free stuff and coupons!!! I can't help it.  The Frugal Girls are on the ball when it comes to the good things.  Check it out and follow them on Twitter...I do!

Cosmopolitan Magazine now has a magazine for men called Cosmo For Men:  It is ONLY available on your ipad.  I just thought you needed to know!

Donate your Brain:  TechSoup's Donate Your Brain (DYB) is a microvolunteering initiative. It allows anyone, anywhere, to help nonprofits and other community organizations with quick answers and suggestions for their Internet, software, and other tech needs.

Facebook Portland Happy Hour:  Now I am done!

Happy Monday!


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