Saturday, October 8, 2011

Fall, Summer, Winter, Tropical...all in one suitcase?

How in the name of all that is reasonable am I going to begin packing for this season away from Oregon.  My husband and I will leave Oregon where it is already cold.  Early in November, we will travel over the mountain (probably in the snow) south to Arizona where it will be warm and sunny.  We will be there for one month.  On December 7 we will travel to China where it will be cold, wet and smoggy.  After about a week we will travel to Viet Nam with our son and his family where it will be rainy (I am told).  We will take an over night train to the northern part of the country where my son, his family and friends.  The men will hike and I will learn about the culture. It will be cool there.   After a few days we will fly to the tropical part of Viet Nam and stay in a resort on an island.  Then we will return to China.  If we are still living we will get back to Arizona in late December.

I am thinking I need zip off bottoms on every item of clothing.  I might need some wool and some light cotton.  Hiking boots, sandals and sparkly shoes along with a pair of two of shopping shoes.  I will need a big purse, a little purse, a backpack and a shopping bag. I will need underwear that will dry very fast and coats that breath but are water proof. AND I will need 2 really big big suit cases.

Oh, and did I mention that it will be Christmas so I will need to take gifts for everyone.  I think I need the big book of lists.  I know there has to be such a thing.

Wish me luck.


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