Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Building a Satisfying Retirement by Bob Lowry (book review)

When I read book I like,  I can hardly wait to tell you all about it.  I never write about I book I don't like because I will never finish what does not interest me.  I'm funny that way.  So, because I want to tell you about Building a Satisfying Retirement by Bob Lowry, you know right away that this small book was good.
Lowry writes a blog called Satisfying Retirement. 
Bob Lowry is a very interesting man.  He and his wife retired when his wife was 48 and he was 52.  It was soon after the climate following 9/11 made it very clear that remaining in business was becoming impossible. They were 10 years away from their retirement goals at that time.  He and his wife have been featured on CNNMoney in an article called Live well on less: 6 ways to save in Retirement. The CNN article gave the background information not available in the book.  I thought it was especially telling when they pointed out that the Lowry's did not retire without a nest egg. It is important to understand where they were financially before they began the Satisfying Retirement lifestyle:
With $850,000 saved, they were short of their $1.2 million target. To retire a decade earlier than planned, they calculated that they needed to live on $45,000 a year, less than a third of their $150,000 income.
Building a Satisfying Retirement 
This book is one of those books that makes you feel that retirement is possible if you are willing to make the sacrifices that are necessary.  Lowry wrote the book in the first person taking the reader step by step through three steps that lead to the stability of retirement and then explains how you can shape you life once the euphoria has lifted.

I was especially interested in the financial section of the book.  "Building Financial Peace of Mind" asks you some pertinent questions...
  1. When do I want to stop working? 
  2. Is my financial house in order?
  3. How are my health and my health coverage?
  4. Do I want to work after retirement?
I loved the quote "A goal without a timetable is just a wish list."  He does not give you a financial formula...you need to find that yourself or consult an expert...but he does give you all the things to consider when you plan for retirement.  I think you will find some very important reminders about what the reality of retirement is.  His point is that if you are not financial sound and can live on what you have, you will not be as happy as you should be.  Then he will help you wrap your mind around what that means.

The section on creativity resonated with me.  His words were inspiring.  "Creativity - a Must for a Satisfying Retirement"  He said "[creativity] does not have to be anything to do with painting, writing sculpting, or any of the things we usually think of as being creative.  Rather it is seeing the familiar in a different light."  If you are one of those people that think "bored" is an okay place to be, you need to read this chapter.  It may let you see yourself in a new light.

Other chapters included suggestions for building a stronger relationship with your partner, living simply, using time management and working after retirement.

It is so refreshing to read a book or blog about successful retirement by someone that is actually walking the talk.  Bob tells you about what he knows for sure.  He is well read, articulate and above all interesting.  Building a Satisfying Retirement is available on Amazon for $3.99 in ebook form.
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1 comment:

  1. What a kind and generous review, Barbara. Thank you for your support. I am so pleased you enjoyed the book.


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