Saturday, April 21, 2012

Can you practice living alone?

My husband and I in Spain!
I didn't make the bed today.  My husband and I have been spending some time apart.  I flew home for the birth of our last grandchild and he chose to remain in Arizona for a little more time. We do this is a practice session for being alone.  He will be home tonight or tomorrow.

So I don't make the bed sometimes when I am alone...shoot me if you like! Today I needed to change the bed so I just washed the sheets.  They are laying on the bed in a heap. The sheets were dirty. That is my first excuse.  Then I wanted to do some yard work. As I raked up the last leaf I realized I need to go and buy some more coffee.  As I was driving to the grocery I remembered that I wanted to have sushi and my husband doesn't jump at that suggestion.  I shopped and then drove to the sushi restaurant.  It is a beautiful day so I drove home at a leisurely pace.

I still haven't made the bed.  I've taken a nap, cleaned up the dishes and put the yard debris in the bin.  There was even a walk and a glass of wine.

It is good practice.  But,  I do know that I don't like being alone, even though I can march to my own drummer.  If that is coming down the pike, it will take a lot of getting used to.  Even with practice, it will never feel right.



  1. Hi ~ B,

    How long will he be in Spain and do you have the margaritas ready? :)

    ~ BOOT

  2. I can tell you from experience that it does take a lot of getting use to and it never feels right. Enjoy whatever time you have together and don't postpone anything you really want to do. Live in the present-the future will take care of itself. You can prepare for it, but you can't anticipate everything.

  3. Sorry, my iPad has its own idea on what I should write.
    Although we often spend time apart, I would miss our nightly chats. My husband is my best friend.

  4. Thank you all for your comments. My computer has been on the "non=responsive" mode and is driving me nuts.

    My husband is home now...he drove 1700 miles in two days. Maybe he missed me too. I try very hard not to let on that I am lonely. It is not any fun fact I find it about as uplifting as a conversation about surgery. But, you know what Donna, we do need to talk about it. Somehow I think it would help.

    Jan, we are learning to talk on the phone or Skype...we are better at communication because of the time we spend apart. That is a good thing.

    Blue Orchid...I need a bat cave to scream in once in a while. Can I borrow yours?

    Be well.



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