Monday, August 27, 2012

Making your ipad pay for itself or free is good!

Yup! You heard me! That ipad of yours is a very cool little multi-machine in one box kind of machine.  I am no expert...there are people that can tell you everything.  But this is what I do know!  You can get along without some of those devices when you buy your ipad!

I was visiting with a friend a couple of weeks ago. She had gotten an ipad and was busy taking pictures of the group at my class reunion. (No extra camera!) We were talking about how wonderful the ipad was and sharing our love for it. Then I asked her about using the Kindle app. to read books.  The look of amazement on her face caught me off guard. "You can buy a Kindle to use on your ipad?" came out of her mouth before I could tell her more about her ipad choices. The truth of the matter is Kindle App IS FREE on your ipad!

Good stuff on your ipad:
  1. Kindle is free.  Amazon wants you to buy books from them.
  2. Nook is free.  Barnes and Noble wants you to buy books from them.
  3. Libraries also have books that they will loan you using both Kindle and Nook.  You save gas and trips to the library
  4. You ipad also can be your telephone if you use Skype. Video chatting is free or you can buy minutes from them and use your ipad as a phone when you are on wireless. If you used this device wisely I can see a way that you would not even need cell phone service. If you need to be very frugal it may be something worth looking into.
  5. You can text message on your ipad just like your phone...handy, included and free.  
  6. If you have an ipad and do not have a Internet service in your home, you can still go to the local coffee shop and go online to check email and even do a little writing.  Internet can be free.
  7. Map apps can help you with navigation and can make your gps useless but if you are to do this you must either be on a wireless service or have your ipad tethered to your phone.
  8. I have high hopes that one day the ipad will become more like the iphone and allow us to use it anywhere.  I have not checked on cost with the tethered ipad.  It may be worth purchasing it for travel.  Some hotels charge a lot for Internet service and provide nothing! 
  9. If you own one of these, your family is going to love you because books bought in ebook form are a lot cheaper than the paper versions.  $$$$ for more gifts...for you maybe.
  10. You can buy magazine subscriptions and have those magazine available no matter where you go.  Imagine carrying all those magazines on the plane or buying a second copy at the airport because you don't have the one you want with you.  It just makes good sense. 

I am finding more and more uses for the device. It just takes a while to change the way I think of it.  But then it has taken ME a while of read the newspaper on my computer.  I am a computer nerd but I am not easily convinces when it comes to new toys.  I love that ipad a lot!



  1. Hi Barbara,
    My eldest son just touched down in Kuwait. His job is to teach, integrate the Ipod into the classrooms. I'm sure he knows all of this, but will be chuffed I sent it to him!

  2. Dear son of Shelley. Good luck with that new job. International schools have some great jobs. My son was in Saudi for 4years. You are in for an adventure.

    Shelley. Thank you for the comment.


  3. I don't have one yet but I think it is high up there on my Christmas list.


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