Monday, November 19, 2012

Finding Artisans in Mexico: Otami Indian Embroidered Coverlet

from Apartment Therapy
I saw a coverlet on the Apartment Therapy website the other day. It was absolutely gorgeous and I wanted one like it but I could not justify the $395 plus shipping it would cost to order it. So when I my husband told me I could find something on this vacation in Mexico for my birthday, I immediately mentioned this piece of fiber art. It was a dream but I was hoping we could find one like it.

Tenango coverlets

My coverlet being folded by the sales lady
We went to Playa Carmen  looking for an artisan shop that might carry that type of art. There it was. My embroidered coverlet waiting for me in a multitude of colors.

The coverlets are created in Tenango del Doria, Hildago, Mexico by the the Otomi indian. Hand and Eye Magazine had this to say about the works of art:
Necessity is still the mother of invention, as shown in the story of tenango embroideries created by Mexico's Otomí (Ñah-ñu) Indians. 
At a time of great economic hardship, the Otomí drew upon their artistic history to create a sustainable enterprise. With saturated colors, graphic floral and animal patterns, and bold use of positive and negative space, contemporary tenangos present a striking example of modern ingenuity merged with ancient tradition. (more information here)
The design is realistic and mystic all at the same time. It truly is a feast for the eyes. I will treasure it for many years to come. I am a very lucky woman.


  1. A beauty. Still have my bed spreads from Thailand. Over 20 years ago. Way more fun to buy in the country the crafts originate.

  2. I have one similar made in Zanzibar, they become more sentimental during travelling.

  3. I agree with you both. The items we buy when we travel become usable momentos of a wonderful time. I am very excited about this particular purchase.


  4. Hi, do you remember the name of the store in Playa where you found the coverlet? Also I'm curious how much you paid for it. I will be back in Playa next winter and would like to pick one up there if they're much cheaper than the $350 or so I see them online for, but don't want to wait so long if they're not. Planning to make a crib quilt out of it. Thanks!

  5. Carrie, I did not think they were any cheaper in Mexico than online here...I just wanted the memory. The one we bought would be a great size for a crib quilt. Good luck!



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